Search results - 6 results

Risk Assessment of Florists Exposed to Pesticide Residues through Handling of Flowers and Preparing Bouquets.

florists located in Namur Province and in the Brussels Capital Region of Belgium in order to assess their potential dermal exposure to dislodgeable pesticide residues transferred from flowers to hands. Two ...

Defining a European diabetes data dictionary for clinical audit and healthcare delivery: core standards of the EUBIROD project

current evidence for the EUBIROD project. In order to allow accurate comparisons of diabetes indicators, a standardised currency for data storage and aggregation was required. We aimed to define a robust ...

Core Standards of the EUBIROD Project. Defining a European Diabetes Data Dictionary for Clinical Audit and Healthcare Delivery.

were identified in a clinical review of current evidence for the EUBIROD project. In order to allow accurate comparisons of diabetes indicators, a standardised currency for data storage and aggregation ...

Restricted access to antiretroviral treatment for undocumented migrants: a bottle neck to control the HIV epidemic in the EU/EEA.

order to impact on HIV transmission. Although the majority of EU / EEA countries regard migrants as an important sub-population for their national responses to HIV, and despite the overwhelming evidence ...

Feasibility study on drug consumption rooms in Belgium

body of evidence has accumulated over the past three decades to support the effectiveness of DCR s in achieving their primary health and public order objectives, and therefore supports their role within ...

CanCon European Guide on Quality Improvement in Comprehensive Cancer Control- Chapter 4: Screening

decisionmaking, informed political commitment and broad stakeholder involvement in order to build strong professional support for the aims and means of the screening programme. Governance structures recommended ...

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