Search results - 65 results

Two cases of congenital lipomatosis in calves.

a fetal dairy calf. A potential role in bovine abortion needs further investigation. Furthermore, a suggestion is made to adapt the nomenclature from infiltrative lipoma to lipomatosis in order to emphasize ...

Full Characterisation of Heroin Samples Using Infrared Spectroscopy and Multivariate Calibration

Squares (PLS) modelling, in order to obtain qualitative and quantitative models based on real live samples. The approach showed that it was possible to identify and quantify heroin in the samples based on ...

Substandard and falsified ivermectin tablets obtained for self-medication during the COVID-19 pandemic as a source of potential harm.

self-administration of substandard or falsified (SF) medicines bearing harmful quality deficiencies have contributed to this phenomenon. In order to have a better view on the nature of these harmful quality ...

Psychosocial factors associated with health-related quality of life in patients with chronic disease: Results of a cross-sectional survey

order to reduce the burden of chronic diseases in terms of impaired HRQ oL. Health Topics:  Chronic disease Maladie chronique Chronische ziekte Service:  Information sanitaire Gezondheidsinformatie Health ...

HPV testing in Polish population-based cervical cancer screening programme (HIPPO project)-study protocol of a randomised healthcare policy trial.

the performance of hrHPV testing to current standard-cytology in order to make decisions on implementation of HPV-based screening in the country. TRIAL REGISTRATION: This randomised healthcare service ...

Lumpy Skin Disease: A Systematic Review of Mode of Transmission, Risk of Emergence and Risk Entry Pathway.

hosts, modes of transmission and spread, risks of outbreaks and emergence in new areas. In order to summarize the research progress regarding the epidemiological characteristics of LSD virus over the last ...

Data collection in pandemic times: the case of the Belgian COVID-19 health surveys

different crisis phases on, amongst others, the mental health. It is important to draw lessons from these experiences: initiatives in order to create a survey infrastructure better equipped for future crises ...

Uncovering the Quality Deficiencies with Potentially Harmful Effects in Substandard and Falsified PDE-5 Inhibitors Seized by Belgian Controlling Agencies

medical supervision and might be of poor quality which could result in adverse reactions. In order to provide an overview of the quality deficiencies present in recently seized illicit PDE-5 samples that ...

The analysis of cannabinoids in e-cigarette liquids using LC-HRAM-MS and LC-UV.

In Belgium, CBD-containing e-liquids with a total THC content lower than 0.2% (w/w) are currently legal. In order to verify the compliance of the different CBD-containing e-cigarette liquids that are ...

The analysis of cannabinoids in e-cigarette liquids using LC-HRAM-MS and LC-UV

with a total THC content lower than 0.2% (w/w) are currently legal. In order to verify the compliance of the different CBD-containing e-cigarette liquids that are available to the Belgian population, ...

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