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Lumpy Skin Disease Is Characterized by Severe Multifocal Dermatitis With Necrotizing Fibrinoid Vasculitis Following Experimental Infection.

dermal plexus. Chronic lesions consisted of full-thickness necrosis of the dermis and epidermis. Lesions in other body organs were not a major feature of LSD in this study, highlighting the strong ...

Potential impact of fertilization practices on human dietary intake of dioxins in Belgium.

organic fertilizers. According to our first estimations, mineral fertilizers, common fertilization practices or manure bring less than 1 ng TEQ /m² while atmospheric deposition or digestate bring between ...

A dynamic model to calculate cadmium concentrations in bovine tissues from basic soil characteristics.

known. The exposure part of the chain model consists of two parts: (1) a soil-plant transfer model, deriving cadmium concentrations in feed from basic soil characteristics (pH and organic matter content) ...

Molecular study of the quasispecies evolution of a typical pigeon paramyxovirus type 1 after serial passages in pigeons by contact.

from the organ and targeting the P and HN genes of the virus. The viral diversity following in vivo passage was found to be different from that in the inoculum, but demonstrated the reality of the ...

Monitoring of pigeon paramyxovirus type-1 in organs of pigeons naturally infected with Salmonella Typhimurium.

Digestive System Genome, Viral Lymphoid Tissue Newcastle Disease Newcastle disease virus Organ Specificity Respiratory System Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction Salmonella Infections, Animal ...

Development of immunocompetence of broiler chickens.

embryonic and neonatal chickens is not entirely developed due to the incomplete structural organisation of their secondary immune organs. Health Topics:  Animal health Santé animale Diergezondheid Manuscript ...

CD57, a marker for B-cell activation and splenic ellipsoid-associated reticular cells of the chicken.

discriminate and quantify three B-cell populations of the secondary lymphoid organs, i.e. resting B-cells, germinal centre B-cells and plasma cells, based on their expression levels of CD57 and Bu-1 (a pan ...

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