Search results - 8 results

Antimicrobial use in European long-term care facilities: results from the third point prevalence survey of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use, 2016 to 2017

beta-lactam antibacterials/penicillins (J01C), other antibacterials (J01X) (e.g. glycopeptide antibacterials, polymyxins), quinolones (J01M), sulfonamides and trimethoprim (J01E), and other beta-lactams (J01D). ...

Comparative genomics of quinolone-resistant and susceptible Campylobacter jejuni of poultry origin from major poultry producing European countries (GENCAMP)

phylogenetic analysis indicated that the isolates from Finland were genetically different from C. jejuni populations from other European countries included in this study. Trade pattern and antimicrobial use in ...

Nosocomial Intravascular Catheter Infections with Extended-spectrum Beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in Calves after Strain Introduction from a Commercial Herd.

of diarrhoeic calves was provided. Strains isolated from phlebitis cases from other herds up to 5 months later showed a high similarity with the initial strain, suggesting that the strain had become ...

The search for therapeutic bacteriophages uncovers one new subfamily and two new genera of Pseudomonas-infecting Myoviridae.

a mouse model of lung infection. Here, we show that their genomes are closely related to five other Pseudomonas phages and allow a subdivision into two clades, PAK_P1-like and KPP10-like viruses, based on ...

Infection due to travel-related carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae, a largely underestimated phenomenon in Belgium.

with international travel/hospitalization. The present article describes travel-related CPE reported in Belgium. Different other potential sources for importation of CPE are discussed. RESULTS: Only 12% ...

Pleuromutilins: use in food-producing animals in the European Union, development of resistance and impact on human and animal health.

pneumonia and other infections where Mycoplasma is involved. There are concerns about the reported increases in the MIC s of tiamulin and valnemulin for porcine Brachyspira hyodysenteriae isolates from ...

Epidemiology of Clostridium difficile infection in Belgium: Report 2014

of cases which are community-associated, as described in other countries. Incidence of HA CDI in 2013 was highest in Brussels and lowest in Flanders. Other characteristics of cases have remained ...

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