Search results - 5 results

Analysis of illegal peptide drugs via HILIC-DAD-MS.

been developed to detect and quantify these peptides. The emerging of more polar peptides however requires the introduction of other separation techniques. Therefore, we set out to develop and validate ...

A new approach to define acceptance limits for hematology in external quality assessment schemes.

CONCLUSIONS: The approach enabled to determine state of the art-based AL s, that were concentration-dependent when necessary and usable by various EQA providers. It could also easily be applied to other ...

The use of Stationary Phase Optimized Selectivity Liquid Chromatography for the development of herbal fingerprints to detect targeted plants in plant food supplements.

of crude herbal or plant material and in the detection of regulated plants in plant food supplements or other herbal preparations. Health Topics:  Effectiveness and safety of vaccines, medicines and ...

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