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pathogens genomics

Search results - 47 results

Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a multivalent herpesvirus vectored vaccine against H9N2 low pathogenic avian influenza in chicken.

of recombinant herpesvirus of turkey, expressing the H9 hemagglutinin gene from low pathogenic avian influenza virus (LPAIV) H9N2 and the avian orthoavulavirus-1 (AOAV-1) (commonly known as Newcastle ...

Transforming Shiga toxin-producing surveillance through whole genome sequencing in food safety practices.

Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Shiga toxin-producing (STEC) is a gastrointestinal pathogen causing foodborne outbreaks. Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) in STEC surveillance holds promise in outbreak prevention and ...

Development of a portable on-site applicable metagenomic data generation workflow for enhanced pathogen and antimicrobial resistance surveillanceAbstract

genomica Transversal activities in applied genomics Manuscript versions:  DOI:  https://sciensano.be/en/10.1038/s41598-023-46771-z File:  Version:  Published Full text access:  Public Access Full text ...

Listeria monocytogenes isolates from Cornu aspersum snails: Whole genome-based characterization and host-pathogen interactions in a snail infection model.

Argyro; Alexandra Staikou; Antonios Zdragas; Minas Yiangou Source: Fish Shellfish Immunol, Volume 123 (2022) Keywords: Animals Host-Pathogen Interactions Listeria monocytogenes Listeriosis Meat whole genome ...

Molecular and virological characterization of the first poultry outbreaks of Genotype VII.2 velogenic avian orthoavulavirus type 1 (NDV) in North-West Europe, BeNeLux, 2018.

polybasic sequence of the fusion gene cleavage site and the intracerebral pathotyping assay demonstrated the high pathogenicity of the strain. This paper represents the first notification of this specific ...

Case Report: Multidrug Resistant Raoultella ornithinolytica in a Septicemic Calf

survival chances. Few studies have identified and characterized bacteria involved in sepsis in calves. This report demonstrates the involvement of a multidrug resistant, an emerging pathogen in human ...

Towards Real-Time and Affordable Strain-Level Metagenomics-Based Foodborne Outbreak Investigations Using Oxford Nanopore Sequencing Technologies

routine laboratory practices to investigate food samples in case of foodborne outbreaks still rely on attempts to isolate the pathogen in order to characterize it. We present in this study a proof of ...

Development and evaluation of a core genome multilocus sequence typing scheme for Paenibacillus larvae, the deadly American foulbrood pathogen of honeybees

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Bertolotti, Alicia C.; Forsgren, Eva; Schäfer, Marc O.; EuroPLarva Consortium; Sircoulomb, Fabrice; Gaïani, Nicolas; Ribière‐Chabert, Magali; Paris, Laurianne; Lucas, Pierrick; de Boisséson, Clai ...

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