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Search results - 14 results

Association between adherence to the EAT-Lancet sustainable reference diet and cardiovascular health among European adolescents: the HELENA study.

seven-component Ideal Cardiovascular Health (ICH) score: never smoked, eutrophic body mass index, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, healthy dietary pattern, low blood pressure, low fasting plasma glucose, and ...

Cost and greenhouse gas emissions of current, healthy, flexitarian and vegan diets in Aotearoa (New Zealand)

Abstract: Objective: To compare the costs and climate impact (greenhouse gas emissions) associated with current and healthy diets and two healthy and environmentally friendly dietary patterns: flexitarian ...

The cost of healthy versus current diets in the Netherlands for households with a low, middle and high education.

high education in the Netherlands using the DIETCOST program. The DIETCOST program accounts for variations in dietary patterns and allows for the calculation of the distribution of the cost of bi-weekly ...

Combined carbon and health taxes outperform single-purpose information or fiscal measures in designing sustainable food policies

and health challenges. Yet, the extent to which policy-induced changes in the patterns of food demand address these challenges remains poorly understood. Using a survey-based, randomized controlled ...

The cost of diets according to diet quality and sociodemographic characteristics in children and adolescents in Belgium

Consumption Survey were used. The “Kidmed index” and dietary patterns (DP) identified through principal component analysis were used to assess diet quality. Daily diet cost was estimated after linking the ...

Sociocultural Influences on Food Choices and Implications for Sustainable Healthy Diets.

materials that give rise to food choices and food patterns of a group. We begin with a discussion of how individuals experience, interpret, negotiate, and symbolize the food world around them. We examine ...

Shaping Physical, Economic, and Policy Components of the Food Environment to Create Sustainable Healthy Diets.

2_suppl (2020) Abstract: BACKGROUND: Sustainable healthy diets are those dietary patterns that promote all dimensions of individuals’ health and well-being; have low environmental pressure and impact; are ...

Food groups and risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and heart failure: A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of prospective studies

disease Diet dose-response food Heart Failure meta-analysis Stroke Abstract: Background: Despite growing evidence for food-based dietary patterns’ potential to reduce cardiovascular disease risk, knowledge ...

Monitoring of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in beehive products and derivatives on the Belgian market

was performed (N = 374), the concentration levels were more limited with a maximum of 60 ng/g and the contamination pattern was dominated by senecionine-type PA s. The PA levels in honey based candies ...

Generating the evidence for risk reduction: a contribution to the future of food-based dietary guidelines.

is that the results are better interpretable compared with nutrients or complex dietary patterns. Such results are also easier to transfer into recommendations on primary prevention of non-communicable ...

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