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Search results - 35 results

Lumpy Skin Disease Virus Genome Sequence Analysis: Putative Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology, Single Gene versus Whole Genome Phylogeny and Genomic Evolution.

a whole-genome-sequence (WGS)-based phylogeny and compared it with single-gene-based phylogenies. To study population and spatiotemporal patterns in greater detail, we reconstructed networks. We determined that there are ...

Belgian bulk tank milk surveillance program reveals the impact of a continuous vaccination protocol for small ruminants against Coxiella burnetii.

infection patterns and vaccination profiles, driving variables, as well as geographical clustering were not presented until now. Based on data from a decade of bulk tank milk analysis between 2009 and 2019, ...

Comparative genomics of quinolone-resistant and susceptible Campylobacter jejuni of poultry origin from major poultry producing European countries (GENCAMP)

phylogenetic analysis indicated that the isolates from Finland were genetically different from C. jejuni populations from other European countries included in this study. Trade pattern and antimicrobial use in ...

Imported human brucellosis in Belgium: Bio and molecular typing of bacterial isolates, 1996-2015.

Belgium, were analyzed by both classical biotyping and MLVA, and the genetic patterns compared to those of human strains isolated worldwide. RESULTS: Classical biotyping revealed that isolates were mainly ...

A Tale of Tails: Dissecting the Enhancing Effect of Tailed Primers in Real-Time PCR.

and concomitantly restored the sigmoidal shape of the amplification curves. Our analysis also showed that primer tailing can alter utilisation patterns of degenerate primers and increase the number of ...

Serologic screening for 13 infectious agents in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in Flanders.

Anaplasma phagocytophilum (45.8%), Toxoplasma gondii (43.2%) and Schmallenberg virus (27.9%), the latter with a distinct temporal distribution pattern following the outbreak in domestic ruminants. Lower ...

Molecular characterization of Belgian pseudorabies virus isolates from domestic swine and wild boar.

type I RFLP genotypes, the RFLP patterns of the domestic swine isolates suggest that a shift from genotype I to genotype II might have occurred in the 1980s in the domestic population. By phylogenetic ...

Towards a typing strategy for Arcobacter species isolated from humans and animals and assessment of the in vitro genomic stability.

technique when a large number of isolates is involved. Therefore, a first clustering of similar patterns obtained after ERIC- PCR, with a subsequent typing of some representatives per ERIC cluster by PFGE, is ...

Development and validation of three Capripoxvirus real-time PCRs for parallel testing.

potential to cause outbreaks with a severe socio-economic impact. The latter, combined with an altered virus dissemination pattern, warrants its status as an important emerging disease. Disease control or ...

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