Search results - 440 results

Tick-borne diseases in the North Sea region-A comprehensive overview and recommendations for diagnostics and treatment.

Infections Encephalitis, Tick-Borne Humans Lyme Disease North Sea Tick-Borne Diseases Abstract: As part of the NorthTick project, co-funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund ...

Years of life lost for 137 causes of death in Belgium by age, sex, and region, 2004-2018

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Aline Scohy; Robby De Pauw; Vanessa Gorasso; Laura Van den Borre; Brecht Devleesschauwer Source: European Journal of Public Health, Volume 32, Issue Supplement_3 (2022) Keywords: Cause of Death H ...

Assessment of the clinical and analytical performance of three Seegene Allplex SARS-CoV-2 assays within the VALCOR framework.

diagnostic assays remain in demand to monitor SARS-CoV-2 at the individual patient level, regionally, and nationally, as well as to remain an infectious disease preparedness instrument to monitor any new ...

Sociodemographic and socioeconomic disparities in COVID-19 vaccine uptake in Belgium: a nationwide record linkage study.

characteristics associated with not having obtained a first COVID-19 vaccine dose in Belgium and for each of its three regions (Flanders, Brussels and Wallonia). RESULTS: During the study period, 10% (536 716/5 342 ...

The landscape of drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum malaria in the Democratic Republic of Congo: a mapping systematic review

substitution that is invoked in artemisinin-resistance emergence in the Great Lakes region of Africa. Parasites carrying various mutations linked to resistance to the sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine combination were ...

Factors underlying COVID-19 booster vaccine uptake among adults in Belgium

study aimed to investigate factors influencing the uptake of first and second COVID-19 booster vaccines among adults in Belgium, particularly age, sex, region of residence and laboratory confirmed ...

Comparing frailty prevalence between countries: validation of the Global Burden of Disease study Frailty Index (GBD-FI) in the survey of health, ageing and retirement in Europe

concurrent and predictive validity, suggesting it is a valid measure of frailty. It has the potential to be an efficient, replicable and consistent approach to comparing frailty between countries and regions ...

Seasonal and inter-seasonal RSV activity in the European Region during the COVID-19 pandemic from autumn 2020 to summer 2022.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Meslé, Margaux M I; Sinnathamby, Mary; Mook, Piers; WHO European Region Respiratory Network Group; Pebody, Richard; Lakhani, Anissa; ...

Complete genome reconstruction of the global and European regional dispersal history of the lumpy skin disease virus.

whole genomes from a time-constrained (2015-2017) southeastern European (SEE) LSDV outbreak, which we analyze along with curated public genomes to investigate the global and regional viral dispersal ...

Complete genome reconstruction of the global and European regional dispersal history of the lumpy skin disease virus.

whole genomes from a time-constrained (2015-2017) southeastern European (SEE) LSDV outbreak, which we analyze along with curated public genomes to investigate the global and regional viral dispersal ...

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