Search results - 4 results

EBoD-FL. Guidelines for mapping the environmental burden of disease in Flanders

health outcomes. The risk factors that will be studied first are those related to air quality, environmental noise and extreme temperature. In terms of outcomes, priority was given to all-cause mortality, ...

The health and economic burden of haemophilia in Belgium: a rare, expensive and challenging disease

direct and indirect haemophilia-related costs was expressed in euros. Data were drawn from the literature if none were available from federal institutions or health insurance. Disability weights for DALY ...

Quantifying burden of disease to support public health policy in Belgium: opportunities and constraints

the most important summary measure of public health. DALY s quantify the number of healthy life years lost due to morbidity and mortality, and thereby facilitate the comparison of the relative impact of ...

Cost-DALY comparison of hip replacement care in 12 Belgian hospitals

(costs and DALY s) were obtained by relating the observed value to the predicted value obtained from the linear regression model. RESULTS: We registered a total of 246.5 DALY s for the 12 hospital ...

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