Search results - 4 results

Development of strain-level shotgun metagenomics approaches to detect and characterize microbiological contaminants in the context of food safety

the STEC strain from the endogenous E.coli strains while an Illumina MiSeq run takes 48 hours. Moreover, the lower-cost Flongle flow cell showed the same results after 24 hours of sequencing when using ...

Development of a genoserotyping system for the identification of Salmonella serotypes

Additionally, a Decision Support System (DSS), hosted by a web-application, was created for an automatic interpretation of the Luminex results with recommendations provided to the users, and for a centralization ...

Migration of mineral oil from cardboard packaging for food: Identification of the hazards and assessment of the exposure of the Belgian population

Next, the dietary exposure of the Belgian population to mineral oil was assessed by combining the analytical results with consumption data of the Belgian Food Consumption Survey. Overall, the exposure to ...

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