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Search results - 11 results

Accuracy of HPV E6/E7 oncoprotein tests to detect high-grade cervical lesions: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis.

but lower specificity estimates ranging from 83.7% (95% CI: 76.1-89.3) to 92.1% (95% CI: 88.5-94.6) were observed in studies enrolling high-risk- HPV-positive women. Studies recruiting only HIV-positive ...

Global and regional estimates of genital human papillomavirus prevalence among men: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

1, 2022. Inclusion criteria were population-based surveys in men aged 15 years or older or HPV prevalence studies with a sample size of at least 50 men with no HPV-related pathology or known risk ...

SCORE2-Diabetes: 10-year cardiovascular risk estimation in type 2 diabetes in Europe.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: SCORE2-Diabetes Working Group and the ESC Cardiovascular Risk Collaboration; Astrid Lavens; An-Sofie Vanherwegen Source: Eur Heart J, ...

Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of the diagnostic test accuracy of host and HPV DNA methylation in cervical cancer screening and management.

methylation cut-off thresholds, and accuracy in high-risk HPV positive women. Our reference standard will be histology. We will perform meta-analyses using Cochrane guidelines for diagnostic test accuracy. We ...

Papilloplex HR-HPV test has non-inferior clinical performance for detection of human papillomavirus infection: assessment using the VALGENT framework.

Cervical Dysplasia Uterine Cervical Neoplasms Abstract: AIM: The Papilloplex high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) test (Genefirst, Oxford, UK) is a single tube real-time HPV test which provides multiplex ...

Evaluation of the clinical performance of OncoPredict HPV® SCR assay within the VALGENT-2 framework.

of 13 high-risk (hr) HPV s. OncoPredict HPV ® SCR (index assay) identifies HPV-16 and HPV-18 separately, 11 other hrHPV in aggregate and includes quality controls for sample adequacy, DNA extraction ...

Bottom-up approach to build a ‘precision’ risk factor classification for diabetic foot ulcer healing. Proof-of-concept

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Flora Mbela Lusendi; Giovanni Arnoldo Matricali; An-Sofie Vanherwegen; Kris Doggen; Frank Nobels Source: Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, Volume 191 (2022) Keywords: classification Diabet ...

The European response to the WHO call cervical cancer as a public health problem

post‐epidemic phase, health professionals should focus on high‐risk women and adhere to cost‐effective policies including self‐sampling. Health Topics:  Quality of healthcare Qualité des soins de santé Kwaliteit ...

The Belgian DNA Debate: An Online Deliberative Platform on the Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues of Genomics

in protective measures against potential risks and harms. Further societal implementation of genomics should include these values and concerns. Health Topics:  Cancer Cancer Kanker Quality of ...

Cervical cancer screening using HPV tests on self-samples: attitudes and preferences of women participating in the VALHUDES study

VALHUDES Abstract: BACKGROUND Interventions to reach women who do not participate regularly in screening may reduce the risk of cervical cancer. Self-collection of a vaginal specimen has been shown to ...

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