Search results - 10 results

Attributing Ethiopian animal health losses to high-level causes using expert elicitation

burden of animal health loss in Ethiopia. As part of this work, structured expert elicitation has been trialled to attribute the proportion of animal health losses due to three independent and exhaustive ...

Outbreaks of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Burundi, East Africa, in 2016, Caused by Different Serotypes.

collected in six of the affected provinces spread over the country. The overall seroprevalence of FMD virus (FMDV) in the affected herds, as determined by antibodies against FMDV non-structural proteins, was ...

Complete coding sequence of a novel picorna-like virus in a blackbird infected with Usutu virus.

consists of at least 9,228 nt and contains two open reading frames (ORF s) encoding the nonstructural polyprotein (2235 amino acids) and structural polyprotein (769 amino acids). Two TaqMan RT-qPCR assays ...

A Tale of Tails: Dissecting the Enhancing Effect of Tailed Primers in Real-Time PCR.

Sequence analysis of the target region of these 5 isolates revealed several mutations in the inter-primer region that extend an existing hairpin structure immediately downstream of the forward primer binding ...

Scalable chromatography-based purification of virus-like particle carrier for epitope based influenza A vaccine produced in Escherichia coli.

Synthetic Vaccines, Virus-Like Particle Veterinary Medicine Viral Matrix Proteins Abstract: Virus-like particles (VLP s) are promising molecular structures for the design and construction of novel vaccines, ...

Proteomic characterization of bovine herpesvirus 4 extracellular virions.

compose viral particles are therefore likely to have critical functions not only in viral structures and in entry into target cell but also in evasion of the host's antiviral response. In this study, ...

Electron tomography of negatively stained complex viruses: application in their diagnosis.

allows visualizing and measuring artifacts typical for negative staining. This approach allows sharp visualisation of structures in a subnanometer-thick plane, avoiding blurring due to superposition which ...

Expression of reelin, its receptors and its intracellular signaling protein, Disabled1 in the canary brain: relationships with the song control system.

Reelin Protein Serine Endopeptidases Abstract: Songbirds produce learned vocalizations that are controlled by a specialized network of neural structures, the song control system. Several nuclei in this ...

The microtubule-associated protein doublecortin is broadly expressed in the telencephalon of adult canaries.

(ir) structures in the brain of adult male canaries. Densely stained DCX-ir cells were found exclusively in parts of the telencephalon that are known to incorporate new neurons in adulthood, in ...

Development of immunocompetence of broiler chickens.

demonstrated by immunohistochemical staining early in the development of chicken spleen. However, the typical structures of the spleen, such as the peri-arteriolar lymphoid sheath (PALS) and the ellipsoids with ...

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