Search results - 46 results

EBoD-FL. Guidelines for mapping the environmental burden of disease in Flanders, 2023

risks. Environmental burden of disease (EBD) studies try to estimate the impact of environmental stressors in terms mortality or morbidity on a population level. Although environmental risks have been ...

Pollutant exposure and myocardial injury: Protocol and progress report for a toxicological systematic mapping review.

while CVD incidence rises steadily with the aging population. Although numerous experimental studies are now available, the mechanisms through which lifetime exposure to environmental pollutants can ...

Oncolytic Viruses: An Inventory of Shedding Data from Clinical Trials and Elements for the Environmental Risk Assessment.

Besides the identification of a topical need for improving the collection of shedding data, this article aims at providing an aid to the design of an appropriate shedding study, thereby relying on and ...

Novel prediction models for genotoxicity based on biomarker genes in human HepaRG™ cells.

DNA microarray profiles of 24 (non-)genotoxic reference chemicals covering different modes of action in metabolically competent human HepaRG™ cells. In the present study, new prediction models for ...

Implementation of MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry to Identify Fungi From the Indoor Environment as an Added Value to the Classical Morphology-Based Identification Tool

and guiding general practitioners in their search for the underlying cause of a health problem. Methods: In this study, 149 fungal air and dust isolates from 43 dwellings in Brussels were taken in ...

Simultaneous Detection and Quantification of Aflatoxin M1, Eight Microcystin Congeners and Nodularin in Dairy Milk by LC-MS/MS

188½006. Unfortunately, there is a notable lack of data concerning the transfer of various emerging microbial contaminants into dairy milk and, therefore, their natural occurrences. In this study, a simple ...

Sentinel-2 Satellite and Hysplit Model Show that Local Cereal Harvesting Substantially Contributes to Peak Alternaria Spore Concentrations

from large areas is often a challenge because of insufficient observation stations. The purpose of this study was to examine, using remote sensing and an atmospheric transport and dispersion model, the ...

Quality control and correction method for air temperature data from a citizen science weather station network in Leuven, Belgium

method is able to reduce this bias from 0.15 ± 0.56 to 0.00 ± 0.28 K. After evaluation, the QC method is applied to the data of the network, making it a very suitable dataset to study local ...

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