Search results - 16 results


corrected for time shifts using correlation optimized warping and further pretreated using classical techniques like signal noise variate, autoscaling and derivatives), before being subjected to partial least ...

Spectroscopic approaches for conformity analysis of e-liquids

modelling. Next to baseline correction, classical preprocessing techniques like standard normal variate (SNV), derivatives and scaling were explored. In a first step, supervised modelling, using partial least ...

Bepaling van spoorelementen in diverse matrices met spectrometische technieken.

predetermined maximum limit. Pb in this sample also showed an increased concentration compared to the other samples. Since the variation between the replicas was high, a re-analysis of the sample will be ...

Detection and risk evaluation of counterfeit medicines based on physico-chemical properties: the fingerprint and chemometrics approach

Therefore, when using a larger sample set including more possible sources of variation, more sophisticated detection techniques such as MS might be necessary. Chapter VIII describes the use of headspace- GC- ...

Batch release of vaccines in Europe: from method transfer to first commercial batch available on the market. Straightforward approach that requires a proactive mind-set of the manufacturer.

a routine basis, strict follow-up and close interactions between manufacturer and OMCL remain of utmost importance. The OMCL performing OCABR should always be notified of all relevant approved variations that ...

How to determine acceptability limits based on biological variation in External Quality Assesment Schemes (EQAS): lymphocyte subsets as a case study

Providers in Laboratory Medicine, NA (2015) Keywords: a AS Case case studies Case study case-study EQA EQAS external lymphocyte meeting ON Quality Sample sampling study variation Health Topics:  Effectiveness ...

Interviewer variability in response rates in the Belgian Health Interview Survey

variables variation variations WHO young Abstract: In the Belgian HIS, information is gathered on the health status, life style and medical consumption of a representative sample of the population through ...

A validated ultra high pressure liquid chromatographic method for qualification and quantification of folic acid in pharmaceutical preparations

tolerance UPLC variation variations WATER waters Abstract: A fully validated HPLC-method for the identification and quantification of folic acid in pharmaceutical preparations was transferred to UPLC. The ...

Initiative for quality improvement and epidemiology among children and adolescents with diabetes (IQECAD)

variation in HbA1c remained unexplained. Outcomes were associated with family structure, highlighting the continuing need for strategies to cope with this emerging challenge. Health Topics:  Quality of ...

Educational inequalities in Healthy Life Years in Belgium: Are there regional variations?

Keywords: Belgium Health inequalities Healthy healthy life Healthy Life Years HLY inequalities inequality Life regional regional variations variation variations Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring ...

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