Search results - 26 results

be.Prepared to increase Belgian integration of health data as a way of strengthening preparedness for infectious diseases

Genomics Infectious diseases national reference centre for human microbiology Pandemic preparedness public health Surveillance Whole genome sequencing (WGS) Abstract: The Belgian Preparedness Architecture ...

BSFM 2023- L. monocytogenes in Plant-Based Foods: insights from of a recent foodborne outbreak linked to vegan alternative to cheese

following ISO 11290 – 1 and – 2. A human strain was collected at the NRC Listeria. All isolated strains underwent serotyping for further characterisation at the NRC Listeria, and Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) ...

Strain-level characterization without culture enrichment? Easing and accelerating outbreak investigation using shotgun metagenomics facilitated with nanopore adaptive sampling

adaptive sampling, following whole genome amplification to increase the amount of genetic material to meet sequencing standards. The strain-level data analysis was performed as previously described (Buytaers ...

Whole-genome sequencing-based phylogenomic investigation of unexpected Bacillus cereus contaminations collected from commercial vitamin B2 food and feed additives sold on the Belgian market

Keersmaecker; Nancy Roosens; Kevin Vanneste Source: Applied Bioinformatics and Public Health Microbiology, Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, OK (2023) Service:  Activités transversales en génomique appliquée ...

Towards a new (H)ERA: Developments to strengthen infectious diseases surveillance and pandemic preparedness

preparedness, a high capacity and interoperable infrastructure is crucial. Furthermore, the advent of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) in the field of microbiology allows for higher microbial subtyping. In ...

Homologous versus heterologous prime-boost COVID-19 vaccination: impact on clinical severity of Omicron among hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Belgium

confirmed by whole genome sequencing and vaccinated with a homologous (mRNA for prime/mRNA for boost) or heterologous (viral vector for prime/mRNA for boost) prime-boost vaccination schedule were included in ...

ESCAIDE 2022 Oral presentation: International outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium linked to a chocolate factory in 2022: Belgian findings

were analysed for Salmonella spp. using real-time PCR. Whole genome sequence (WGS) analysis of isolates of probable cases and positive food samples is still ongoing. Results We identified 62 probable ...

Introduction of WGS in food microbiology: advantages and challenges

Keywords: antimicrobial resistance (AMR) Food Safety foodborne outbreak investigation Monitoring SciCom Whole genome sequencing (WGS) Abstract: In October 2021 the Scientific Committee of the Federal Agency ...

Evaluating genetic similarity between foodborne and household Bacillus cereus isolates

Foodborne pathogens kitchen sponge whole genome sequencing Service:  Pathogènes alimentaires Voedselpathogenen Foodborne pathogens Full text language:  English Category:  Scientific posters, presentations and ...

Towards a new (H)ERA: Preparedness for outbreak detection and response

Masset Source: (2022) Keywords: epidemiology Genomics Infectious diseases Pandemic preparedness Surveillance Whole genome sequencing (WGS) Abstract: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the European ...

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