Search results - 3 results

Genomic epidemiology of emerging ESBL-producing Kentucky in Europe.

urinary-tract infections. Bayesian time-scaled phylogeny on whole genome sequences of isolates from these cases and supplementary isolates from public sequence databases was used to infer the origin and spread of ...

Dissecting the molecular evolution of fluoroquinolone-resistant Shigella sonnei.

antimicrobials, including the fluoroquinolones. Here we analyse nearly 400 S. sonnei whole genome sequences from both endemic and non-endemic regions to delineate the evolutionary history of the recently emergent ...

Global phylogenomics of multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica serotype Kentucky ST198.

an emerging problem within this serotype. We used whole-genome sequencing (WGS) to investigate the phylogenetic structure and AMR content of 121 S.enterica serotype Kentucky sequence type 198 isolates ...

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