Search results - 8 results

Attributing Ethiopian animal health losses to high-level causes using expert elicitation

Prev Vet Med, Volume 221 (2023) Keywords: Animal health economics Burden of animal disease Ethiopia Livestock Abstract: The Global Burden of Animal Diseases programme is currently working to estimate the ...

The history of foot-and-mouth disease virus serotype C: the first known extinct serotype?Abstract

strengthening surveillance in regions of FMD endemicity, to stop vaccination against serotype C and to reduce working with the virus in laboratories, since inadvertent escape of virus during such activities is ...

Towards the development of innovative multi-mycotoxin reference materials as promising metrological tool for emerging and regulated mycotoxin analyses.

multi-mycotoxin-contaminated feeds dealing with the carryover or mitigation could further benefit from the methodology of this work. Health Topics:  Animal health Santé animale Diergezondheid Service:  Contaminants organiques ...

A Tale of Tails: Dissecting the Enhancing Effect of Tailed Primers in Real-Time PCR.

improve the robustness and overall performance of diagnostic assays. Despite the widespread use of tailed primers, the underlying working mechanism is not well understood. To address this problem, we ...

Stronger Interference of Avian Influenza Virus-Specific Than Newcastle Disease Virus-Specific Maternally Derived Antibodies with a Recombinant NDV-H5 Vaccine.

and avian influenza (AI). The goal of this work was to investigate the impact of H5 MDA and/or ND virus (NDV) MDA on the vaccine efficacy of a recombinant NDV- H5-vectored vaccine (rNDV- H5) against two ...

Expression of reelin, its receptors and its intracellular signaling protein, Disabled1 in the canary brain: relationships with the song control system.

not provide conclusive evidence that reelin plays a prominent role in the positioning of new neurons in the adult canary brain but call for additional work on this protein analyzing its expression ...

Molecular characterisation of three avian paramyxovirus type 1 isolated from pigeons in France.

cytosine residues, and might so have an influence on the expression level of the three proteins encoded by P. This work is also the first to provide molecular data on NP, P and L genes of typical pPMV-1. ...

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