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Identification, physicochemical characterisation and estimation of release of titanium dioxide particles from face masks applied during the COVID-19 crisis in view of risk analysis (TiO2Mask)
An innovative analytical platform to investigate the effect and toxicity of micro and nanoplastics (MNPs) combined with environmental contaminants on the risk of allergic disease in pre-clinical and clinical studies (IMPTOX)
Evaluation of the types, efficient use and health risks of application of silver-based biocides to provide antimicrobial properties to face masks applied during the COVID-19 crisis (AgMask)
Physico-chemical characterisation and exposure analysis of nanoparticles in food additives in the context of risk assessment (EFSA-Nano)
Method validation: comparison of size distribution of iron oxyhydroxide nanoparticle analysis between Flow Field Flow Fractionation, single particle ICP-MS and Electron Microscopy (NIROVAL )
National Reference Laboratory for Trace Elements in food and feed, for Nanomaterials and for Food Contact Materials (NRL-TE; NRL-NANO; NRL-FCM)
Physico-chemical characterization of the fraction of engineered nanomaterials in silver (E174) food additives in the context of risk assessment (NanoAg@)
Implementation and validation of an analytical methodology to assess the nanofraction in the food additives E171, E174 and E175 with exposure analysis in the context of risk assessment (Nanofood@)
Method validation of nanomaterial characterisation by single particle ICP-MS and Dynamic Light Scattering (NanoVAL)
Towards a toxicologically relevant definition of nanomaterials (To²DeNano)
Characterisation of a rod-shaped TiO2 candidate reference material using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (Nanorod)
Development of an integrated approach based on validated and standardised methods to support the implementation of the EC recommendation for a definition of nanomaterial (NanoDefine )
A common European approach to the regulatory testing of Manufactured Nanomaterials (NANoREG)
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