Serological confirmation of neuroborreliosis on CSV

Last updated on 18-7-2024 by Amber Van Laer

Purpose of the test

Western blot IgG+IgM on CSV: Confirmation analysis for diagnosis of neuroborreliosis by western blot (IgG+IgM) on CSV paired with serum sample

Criteria to perform the analyses under the reference activity.  

An application for confirmation of the diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis: the application form must be fully completed including the clinical reason for testing. If only partial tests have been performed, the tests first performed in the NRC will be reimbursed by the normal INAMI/RIZIV nomenclature. Please specify. If neuroborreliosis is suspected, paired serum (min.1 ml) and CSV (min. 0.7 ml) should be sent (ideally 1 ml for both).

  • Please report the total IgG or protein determination so that we can calculate the inthrathecal production index. 
  • If sufficient sample is available, CXCL13 will also be performed as a biomarker for CSF inflammation including acute neuroborreliosis.

Instructions for samples

Sample collection :

  • Serum: preferred volume is 1 ml (at least 0.5 ml is required).
  • CSV: Preferred volume for serology is 1 ml (at least 0.7 ml is required).

Other than CSV or serum, please contact the laboratory.
Storage conditions: samples can be kept refrigerated (2-8°C) for several days.

Instructions for transport

Transport conditions: transport can be done at room temperature but preferably refrigerated, mainly during summer. In case of long-term storage, freezing of serum and transport of frozen serum is recommended.

Unacceptable requests

  • Insufficient sample
  • Lipaemic, icteric or haemolytic samples
  • If no serum, CSV or synovial fluid, contact the NRC before shipment
  • Excessive transport time (> a week) or under excessive heat (e.g. hot summer days) (see storage conditions above).
  • Application form not completed in full. This is absolutely necessary. Extreme effort should be made to obtain minimum clinical data (registration is one of the objectives of the NRC).

Turn around time (and frequency of analysis)

10 days for confirmation, analysis is performed twice a week.

Reporting of test results

Results will be sent via email and/or fax according to the requesting laboratory or physician’s wishes.


Is the analysis accredited?

Materials and methods

Method reference: 

Turnaround time and time slots

Turnaround time: 
10 days

Analysis categories


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