Last updated on 29-2-2024 by Michael Peeters
Public Access
Reile Janssen; Lize Cuypers; Lies Laenen; Els Keyaerts; Kurt Beuselinck; Sunita Janssenswillen; Bram Slechten; Jannes Bode; Wollants, Elke; Kristel Van Laethem; Annabel Rector; Mandy Bloemen; Anke Sijmons; Nathalie de Schaetzen; Arnaud Capron; Kurt Van Baelen; Thierry Pascal; Céline Vermeiren; Bureau, Fabrice; Vandesompele, Jo; Pieter De Smet; Wouter Uten; Hugues Malonne; Pierre Kerkhofs; Jo De Cock; Veerle Matheeussen; Bruno Verhasselt; Gillet, Laurent; Gautier Detry; Bertrand Bearzatto; Jonathan Degosserie; Coralie Henin; Gregor Pairoux; Piet Maes; Van Ranst, Marc; Lagrou, Katrien; Elisabeth Dequeker; Emmanuel AndréKeywords
Since the onset of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in Belgium, UZ/KU Leuven has played a crucial role as the National Reference Centre (NRC) for respiratory pathogens, to be the first Belgian laboratory to develop and implement laboratory developed diagnostic assays for SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) and later to assess the quality of commercial kits. To meet the growing demand for decentralised testing, both clinical laboratories and government-supported high-throughput platforms were gradually deployed across Belgium. Consequently, the role of the…