Last updated on 10-12-2024 by Marie Malingreau
H Antoine-Poirel; Schittecatte, Gabrielle; Fabienne Van Aelst; Vandermeulen, An; Gerbaux, Alice; Amorim, Christiani Andrade; Van Damme, An; Uyttebroeck, Anne; Brichard, Benedicte; De Wilde, Bram; Gunst, Brecht; Stals, Caroline; De Witte, Chloë; Jungels, Christiane; Devalck, Christine; Geurten, Claire; Dierickx, Daan; Bogaert, Delfien; Heenen, Delphine; Romaen, Elien; Balducci, Elisa; Van Valckenborgh, Els; Lippens, Evi; Dequiedt, Franck; Levy, Gabriel; Neefs, Hans; Segers, Heidi; Chiairi, Ibrahim; Demeestere, Isabelle; De Munter, Johan; Verlooy, Joris; Messiaen, Julie; Lemiere, Jurgen; Van Beek, Karen; Vandenabeele, Karen; Maes, Katrien; Dubois, Kleo; Polastro, Laura; Van Camp, Laurens; Van De Voorde, Lien; Lapeire, Lore; Le Roux, Manon; Chavez, Marcela; Condorelli, Margherita; Caillier, Marie; Vander Haegen, Marie; Van Damme, Nancy; Belpame, Nathalie; Kholmanskikh, Olga; Bartoszk, Paulina; Mazilier, Pauline; Mayeur, Pierre; Philippet, Pierre; Vandekeere, Saar; Verschueren, Sabine; Jacobs, Sandra; Moreels, Sofie; Gijssels, Stefan; Boterberg, Tom; Van Genechten, Toon; Albarani, ValentinaKeywords
Article written during project(s) :
Children and Adolescents and Young Adults with cancer represent a young population with specific needs, which need to be addressed in a patient- and cancer-driven way. There is an urgent need to support and extend the ongoing initiatives in Belgium. First, multidisciplinary care programmes dedicated to children need to be reviewed, and those for Adolescents and Young Adults need to be developed with close collaboration between paediatric and adult oncology and haematology teams. This needs to be done considering the entire patient journey; from cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehab…