Last updated on 5-8-2024 by Stefan Roels
Gong, Meijiao; Myster, Françoise; Azouz, Abdulkader; Sanchez Sanchez, Guillem; Li, Shifang; Charloteaux, Benoit; Yang, Bin; Nichols, Jenna; Lefevre, Lucas; Javaux, Justine; Leemans, Sylvain; Nivelles, Olivier; van Campe, Willem; S. Roels; Mostin, Laurent; Thierry van den Berg; Davison, Andrew J; Gillet, Laurent; Connelley, Timothy; Vermijlen, David; Goriely, Stanislas; Vanderplasschen, Alain; Dewals, Benjamin GKeywords
Alcelaphine gammaherpesvirus 1 (AlHV-1) asymptomatically persists in its natural host, the wildebeest. However, cross-species transmission to cattle results in the induction of an acute and lethal peripheral T cell lymphoma-like disease (PTCL), named malignant catarrhal fever (MCF). Our previous findings demonstrated an essential role for viral genome maintenance in infected CD8 T lymphocytes but the exact mechanism(s) leading to lymphoproliferation and MCF remained unknown. To decipher how AlHV-1 dysregulates T lymphocytes, we first examined the global phenotypic changes in circulating CD8…