Study day “health information and policy”

Last updated on 14-12-2022 by Pierre Daubresse

Thu, 06/10/2022 - 09:00 to 16:00

Event type: 
science event
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Belgium has a rich health information landscape, with valuable information from administrative sources (e.g., health care use, mortality and causes of death, social security) as well as population health surveys and surveillance systems. The Sciensano service Lifestyle and chronic diseases plays a central role in the Belgian health information system. The Service generates and valorises health information to quantify the state of health and health inequalities in Belgium and to support public health policy making. Via the AHEAD project, supported by Belspo, the Service aims to increase the visibility of the Belgian health information system and identify prevailing technical, legal and ethical bottlenecks. AHEAD explores the possibilities of integrating the data that exist within the Belgian health information system and facilitating its use for scientific exploitation and valorisation.

To support its mission, the Sciensano Service Lifestyle and chronic diseases is organising a study day on health information and policy. This study day will:

  • bring together key players of the Belgian health information system
  • provide an opportunity to discuss common developments and challenges
  • combine keynote lectures with a panel discussion
  • provide ample time for networking.


9h00  Registration & Welcome coffee 

10h00  PDF icon Welcome.pdf | Brecht Devleesschauwer (Head of Service Lifestyle and chronic diseases, Sciensano)

10h15  PDF icon The Belgian Health Interview Survey: past, present and future.pdf  | Stefaan Demarest (Project Leader Health Interview Survey, Sciensano)

10h50  PDF icon Valorisation of health information to support policy making.pdf | Vanessa Vanrillaer (Federal Matters Expert, Mutualités Libres/Onafhankelijke Ziekenfondsen)

11h25  Towards the establishment of the Belgian Health Data Authority | Hans Constandt (Program Manager, Belgian Health Data Authority)

12h00  Network Lunch

13h00  PDF icon Perspectives on knowledge translation.pdf | Tina Van Havere (Advisor, Cabinet of the Minister of Health) & Caroline Costongs (Director, EuroHealthNet)

13h30  Panel discussion: from health information to policy

14h30  Closure 

15h00  Network coffee 


Register now!


This event contributes to Sciensano's activities in the field of: 


1 Rue Ernest Blerot
Room Storck, first floor
1070 Anderlecht


Free but registration is obliged


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