Veterinary proficiency test (PT VET)
The service “Quality of Laboratories” organises an external quality assessment (EQA) for diagnostic tests related to veterinary medicine.
Laboratories, approved by the Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain (FASFC) for performing diagnostic tests within the framework of the official surveillance and monitoring programmes for animal diseases, must take part in this EQA (Royal Decree of 15 April 2005).
Other laboratories may voluntarily participate in the quality evaluation after agreement of the service “Quality of laboratories”.
Content of the programme
Number of proficiency tests per year: 10 till 15
Number of samples per proficiency test: 5 till 20
Sample type:
The EQA uses a split-level (different levels of analysis) and a split-sample (different aliquots of the same sample) design, which allows the accuracy and/or precision to be demonstrated at different levels. In addition, samples close to the cut-off value can be included for which different acceptance criteria are used to collect information on the sensitivity of the analytical methods used and/or participating laboratories.
Overview of the veterinary proficiency test programs
Domain-specific instructions
This programme was initially intended for FASFC-approved laboratories, but has been extended to other veterinary laboratories in Belgium and worldwide (private and state laboratories, etc.).
The profiency test for Capripox was organised in cooperation with EURL and includes numerous laboratories (EU and non-EU).
EQA calendars
Submission of results
Laboratories submit their results via the Toolkit (password required).
Individual reports
An English individual report will be made available in the Toolkit, at the latest 4 weeks after the deadline for the submission of the results. This report contains the necessary information for the participants to assess their own performance.
Global reports
An English global report will be made available on this website at the latest 16 weeks after the deadline for submission of results. Participants will be informed by e-mail.
Reports 2024
2024-1 (IBR)
2024-2 (CSF)
2024-3 EURL (CAPX)
2024-4 (AUJ)
2024-5 (EBL)
2024-6 (PRRS)
Reports 2023
2023-1 (ASF)
2023-2 (PRRS)
2023-3 (CAPX)
2023-4 (scrapie)
2023-5 (BSE)
2023-6 (BRU)
2023-7 (IBR)
2023-8 (PARATUB)
2023-9 (MYC)
2023-10 (BVD)
2023-11 (QF)
2023-12 (BOV T)
2023-13 (BLUE T)
Reports 2022
2022-1 (PRRS serology)
2022-2 (QF)
2022-3 (ASF)
2022-4 (CSF)
2022-5 (CAPX)
2022-6 (IBR)
2022-7 (AUJ)
2022-8 (EBL)
2022-9 (BRU)
2022-10 (BVD)
2022-11 (BT)
2022-12 (LEPT)
2022-13 (VM)
2022-14 (SAL)
© sciensano. These reports may only be reproduced, published or distributed with the consent of sciensano.
Reports 2021
2021-1 (ASF)
2021-2 (IBR)
2021-3 (Brucella)
2021-4 (CPX)
2021-5 (Bovine tuberculosis)
2021-6 (EBV)
2021-7 (Scrapie)
2021-8 (BVD)
2021-9 (Paratuberculosis)
2021-10 (BTV)
2021-12 (Q-fever)
© sciensano. These reports may only be reproduced, published or distributed with the consent of sciensano.
Reports 2020
2020-1 (ASF)
2020-2 (CSF)
2020-3 (CPX)
2020-4 (IBR)
2020-5 (Q-fever)
2020-6 (AUJ)
2020-7 (EBL)
2020-8 (BTV)
2020-9 (BRU)
2020-10 (BVD)
2020-11 (BT)
2020-12 (Leptospirosis)
2020-13 (Maedi Visna)
2020-14 (Salmonella)
© sciensano. These reports may only be reproduced, published or distributed with the consent of sciensano.
Older reports are available on request.
Annual meeting
Every year, participants receive an invitation to attend the annual meeting or follow it online.
During this meeting, the results of the past year are discussed and participants have the opportunity to ask questions.
Ynse Van de Maele
+32 2 642 55 24
Alternate coordinator
Bernard China
+32 2 642 53 85
+32 2 642 55 22
Rue Juliette Wytsmanstraat 14 • 1050 Brussel
ISO17043 accreditation
The service “Quality of Laboratories” is BELAC accredited on the basis of the ISO17043:2010 standard. This standard is specifically aimed at the organisation of external quality evaluations.
Advisory committee
The coordinator of the EQA is supported by an advisory committee, consisting of:
Veterinary diagnostics coordinator:
Isabelle Behaeghel
Technical manager(s) of the reference laboratories of the service “Infectious diseases in animals” within Sciensano:
Nadège Balmelle
Cécile Boland
Gaëtan De Gryse
Ilse De Leeuw
Carole Kowalewicz
Sylvie Marche
Elisabeth Mathijs
Anneleen Matthijs
Severine Matthijs
Marcella Mori
Wannes Philips
Marylene Tignon
Frank Vandenbussche
If necessary, the coordinator may appeal on the knowledge of other experts.