The Infection Diseases Epidemiology unit
The Infectious Diseases Epidemiology unit participates in the surveillance of invasive H. Influenzae infections using data collected via the monitoring laboratories. This surveillance is done in cooperation with the National Reference Centre for H. Influenzae, which analyses the invasive strains circulating in Belgium.
The analysis of the data from the monitoring laboratories and the National Reference Centre, as well as from other databases, allows us:
- to follow the trend of this pathogen
- better to understand the distribution of the pathogen according to age, geographical region, etc.
- better to understand the impact of invasive H. Influenzae infections on the health of the population. This is particularly important in order to monitor the impact of the Hib vaccination integrated in the vaccination programme.
This data are also used by the regions, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and other health sector actors.
Sciensano publishes an annual report on the surveillance of invasive H. Influenzae infections (see ‘publications’ at the bottom of this page).
The Quality of Vaccines and Blood Products unit
Sciensano’s Quality of Vaccines and Blood Products unit is recognised as an Official Medicines Control Laboratory (OMCL) and is responsible for quality control of vaccines against H. Influenzae type b before they may be placed on the European market.