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Filters: Author is Pieter Pannus
Antibody response against SARS-CoV-2 Delta and Omicron variants after third-dose BNT162b2 vaccination in allo-HCT recipients., Canti, Lorenzo, and Ehx Grégory , Cancer Cell, 2022 Apr 11, Volume 40, Issue 4, (2022)
Functional reprogramming of monocytes in patients with acute and convalescent severe COVID-19., Brauns, Elisa, Azouz Abdulkader, Thomas Séverine, Nguyen Muriel, Olislagers Véronique, Vu Duc Ines, Dauby Nicolas, Marchant Arnaud, and Goriely Stanislas , JCI Insight, 2022 Apr 05, Volume 7, Issue 9, (2022)
Humoral and cellular immune responses against SARS-CoV-2 after third dose BNT162b2 following double-dose vaccination with BNT162b2 versus ChAdOx1 in cancer patients., Debie, Yana, Vandamme Timon, and Le Blon Debbie , Clin Cancer Res, 2022 Nov 07, (2022)
Hybrid immunity to SARS-CoV-2 in kidney transplant recipients and hemodialysis patients., Kemlin, Delphine, Pannus Pieter, Desombere I, Gemander Nicolas, Goossens Maria, and Le Moine Alain , Am J Transplant, 2022 Mar, Volume 22, Issue 3, (2022)
Insights From Early Clinical Trials Assessing Response to mRNA SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination in Immunocompromised Patients., Baron, Frédéric, Canti Lorenzo, and Beguin Yves , Front Immunol, 2022, Volume 13, (2022)
Predictive model for BNT162b2 vaccine response in cancer patients based on blood cytokines and growth factors., Konnova, Angelina, De Winter Fien H. R., Akshita Gupta, Hotterbeekx An, Berkell Matilda, and Kumar-Singh Samir , Front Immunol, 2022, Volume 13, (2022)
Safety and immunogenicity of a reduced dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (REDU-VAC): A single blind, randomized, non-inferiority trial, Pannus, Pieter, Depickère Stéphanie, Kemlin Delphine, Houben Sarah, Neven Kristof Y., Heyndrickx Leo, Michiels Johan, Willems Elisabeth, De Craeye Stéphane, Francotte Antoine, et al. , PLOS Global Public Health, Dec-20-2022, Volume 2, Issue 12, (2022)
Three doses of BNT162b2 vaccine confer neutralising antibody capacity against the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant., Ariën, Kevin K. , NPJ Vaccines, 2022 Mar 08, Volume 7, Issue 1, (2022)
Performance of five rapid serological tests in mild-diseased subjects using finger prick blood for exposure assessment to SARS-CoV-2., Triest, David, Geebelen Laurence, De Pauw Robby, De Craeye Stéphane, Vodolazkaia Alexandra, Verbrugghe Mathieu, Magerman Koen, Robben Lara-Lauren, Pannus Pieter, Neven Kristof, et al. , J Clin Virol, 2021 09, Volume 142, (2021)
Poor antibody response to BioNTech/Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination in SARS-CoV-2 naïve residents of nursing homes., Pannus, Pieter, Neven Kristof Y., De Craeye Stéphane, Heyndrickx Leo, Vande Kerckhove Sara, Georges Daphnée, Michiels Johan, Francotte Antoine, Van den Bulcke Marc, Zrein Maan, et al. , Clin Infect Dis, 2021 Dec 03, (2021)
Predictors of neutralizing antibody response to BNT162b2 vaccination in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients., Canti, Lorenzo, Servais Sophie, Ehx Grégory, and Beguin Yves , J Hematol Oncol, 2021 Oct 24, Volume 14, Issue 1, (2021)
The prior infection with SARS-CoV-2 study (PICOV) in nursing home residents and staff - study protocol description and presentation of preliminary findings on symptoms., Goossens, Maria, Neven Kristof Y., Pannus Pieter, Barbezange Cyril, Thomas Isabelle, Van Gucht Steven, Dierick Katelijne, Schmickler Marie-Noëlle, Verbrugghe Mathieu, Van Loon Nele, et al. , Arch Public Health, 2021 Nov 11, Volume 79, Issue 1, (2021)
Reduced humoral immune response after BNT162b2 coronavirus disease 2019 messenger RNA vaccination in cancer patients under antineoplastic treatment., Peeters, M , ESMO Open, 2021 Oct, Volume 6, Issue 5, (2021)

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