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Filters: Author is Wannes Van Hoof
Do genomic passports leave us more vulnerable or less vulnerable? Perspectives from an online citizen engagement, Mayeur, Chloé, Mertes Heidi, and Van Hoof Wannes , Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Jan-12-2023, Volume 10, Issue 1, (2023)
Expanding citizen engagement in the secondary use of health data: an opportunity for national health data access bodies to realise the intentions of the European Health Data Space, Saelaert, Marlies, Mathieu Louise, Van Hoof Wannes, and Devleesschauwer Brecht , Arch Public Health, 2023 Sep 12, Volume 81, Issue 1, (2023)
Linking health survey data with health insurance data: methodology, challenges, opportunities and recommendations for public health research. An experience from the HISlink project in Belgium, Berete, Finaba, Demarest Stefaan, Charafeddine Rana, De Ridder Karin, Van Oyen Herman, Van Hoof Wannes, Bruyère Olivier, and Van der Heyden Johan , Arch Public Health, 2023 Nov 15, Volume 81, Issue 1, (2023)
L'utilisation ultérieure des données génétiques dans un contexte criminalistique : Enjeux éthiques et perspectives citoyennes, Mayeur, Chloé, and Van Hoof Wannes , Droit et Santé, Issue 16, (2023)
Qualitative study to assess citizens’ perception of sharing health data for secondary use and recommendations on how to engage citizens in the EHDS, Menager, Kenann, Maddocks James, Mathieu Louise, Richards Rosie, Saelaert Marlies, and Van Hoof Wannes , 31/03/2023, Brussels, Belgium, p.45, (2023)
TEHDAS: Gezonde data, Mathieu, Louise, Saelaert Marlies, and Van Hoof Wannes , Brussels, Belgium, (2023)
TEHDAS: Les données de santé, Mathieu, Louise, Saelaert Marlies, and Van Hoof Wannes , Brussels , (2023)
The Belgian DNA Debate: An Online Deliberative Platform on the Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues of Genomics, Mayeur, Chloé, Saelaert Marlies, and Van Hoof Wannes , Public Health Genomics, May-05-2021, (2021)
The Belgian practice and attitudes towards introducing genomics in clinical oncology, Van den Bulcke, Marc, Van Hoof Wannes, Van Valckenborgh Els, Hébrant Aline, Gordana Raicevic, and Van Assche Kristof , Belgian journal of medical oncology, 2021, Volume 15, Issue 4, p.177 - 185, (2021)
Citizens' conceptions of the genome: Related values and practical implications in a citizen forum on the use of genomic information, Mayeur, Chloé, and Van Hoof Wannes , Health Expectations, Jan-04-2021, Volume 24, Issue 2, (2021)
Consultations Corona: Participation citoyenne à la politique Belge de vaccination, Saelaert, Marlies, Mayeur Chloé, and Van Hoof Wannes , 01/2021, Brussels, Belgium, p.111, (2021)
Coronaconsultaties: Burgerparticipatie in het Belgisch vaccinatiebeleid., Saelaert, Marlies, Mayeur Chloé, and Van Hoof Wannes , 07/01/2021, Brussel, p.11, (2021)
Precision cancer medicine: What has translated into clinical use in Belgium?, Delnord, Marie, Van Valckenborgh Els, Hébrant Aline, Antoniou Aline, Van Hoof Wannes, Waeytens Anouk, and Van den Bulcke Marc , Semin Cancer Biol, 2021 Jun 12, (2021)

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