Are you a professional from the healthcare or social services sectors? Participate in the fourth “POWER TO CARE” survey. This survey examines your well-being and your need for support. We ask about stress-related symptoms (worrying, sleeping problems …) and about social support.
Are you 18 or older and living in Belgium? Then complete our survey before the 4th of October 2021. This will only take 15 minutes of your time and your participation really makes a difference.
The questionnaire is also available in Dutch, French and German.
Why this survey?
Today, it is obvious that the pressure on health care professionals and social services professionals is often high. They need their strength and therefore deserve all our support. Only with strength they can provide care. Strength to provide the care their patients, residents and family members deserve every day. Strength to care for each other among colleagues.
With this fourth national survey “POWER TO CARE”, Sciensano provides objective information on the well-being of health care professionals and social services professionals, as well as on their need for support. Policymakers and managers can use this information to take targeted actions aimed at improving the well-being of these professionals.
“POWER TO CARE” is an initiative of Sciensano and KU Leuven with the support of our partners Zorgnet-Icuro, Steunpunt Geestelijke Gezondheid/Te gek!?, santhea, GIBBIS and UNESSA.
Sharing is caring
Thanks for sharing our survey as widely as possible among your colleagues, friends and family who are care or helping professionals (who are 18 or older and live in Belgium). We are counting on you!
Looking for inspiration to take good care of yourself and your colleagues?
Professionals who need emotional or psychological support can find an overview and tips on the websites of De ZorgSamen (Flanders), ARTS IN NOOD / MEDECINS EN DIFFICULTE (Belgium), Trouver du Soutien (Wallonia) and LBSM (Brussels).
Who initiated this study?
The survey “POWER TO CARE” is an initiative of Sciensano, the Belgian institute of health, and KU Leuven, led by the following researchers: Bart Peeters, Robrecht De Schreye, Sabine Drieskens, Stefaan Demarest, Kris Vanhaecht and Deborah Seys.
Protection of your data and rights
Participation is totally voluntary and you can decide to discontinue your participation at any time. The information you provide via the questionnaire will only be used for the goals mentioned above. Sciensano will only use this information to compile general statistics. Scientific publications can be created based on the results of the research, but your individual data will never be passed on to third parties.
Questions or complaints about data protection
If you have any question about data protection, please contact the Sciensano Data Protection Officer via or 02/642 51 02. If you have a complaint about how your data is being processed, you can contact the Belgian data protection authority: Drukpersstraat 35 — 1000 Brussels — Tel.: 02/274 48 00 — e-mail:
If you would like additional information or if you experience a technical problem, you can always contact us!