Search results - 7 results

Porcine NK Cells Stimulate Proliferation of Pseudorabies Virus-Experienced CD8 and CD4CD8 T Cells.

(NK) cells belong to the innate immune system and play a central role in the defense against viral infections and cancer development, but also contribute to shaping adaptive immune responses. NK cells ...

Early immune responses and profiling of cell-mediated immunity-associated gene expression in response to rHVT-IBD vaccination

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Ingrao, Fiona; Fabienne Rauw; Mieke Steensels; Thierry van den Berg; Bénédicte Lambrecht Source: Vaccine, Volume 36 (2018) Health Topics:  Diergezondheid Animal health Santé animale Manuscript ve ...

Encephalomyocarditis virus in a captive Malayan tapir ().

negative, except for encephalomyocarditis virus. Histopathology revealed mineralisation of myocardial cells and interstitial infiltration of lymphocytes, plasma cells and less neutrophils. ...

Endocrine activity of mycotoxins and mycotoxin mixtures.

Source: Food Chem Toxicol, Volume 96, p.107-16 (2016) Keywords: Breast Neoplasms Cells, Cultured Endocrine disruptors Female Genes, Reporter Humans Luciferases Mycotoxins Osteoblasts Poisons PPAR gamma ...

Ulcerative pododermatitis and disseminated erosive lesions associated with cowpox virus infection in a domestic cat

diagnoses were excluded by means of immunostaining and PCR, respectively. Detection of eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies in cells from biopsy material and positive PCR and sequencing results ...

The Enrichment of Histomonas meleagridis and Its Pathogen-Specific Protein Analysis: A First Step to Shed Light on Its Virulence.

cells from a mono-eukaryotic culture copropagated with host cecal bacteria by flow cytometry. The enrichment of histomonads was confirmed through transmission electron microscopy and two-dimensional gel ...

The Major Envelope Glycoprotein of Murid Herpesvirus 4 Promotes Sexual Transmission.

for host entry, and, it regulates rather than promotes cell binding. We show that gp150-deficient MuHV-4 reaches and replicates normally in the female genital tract after nasal infection but is poorly ...

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