Search results - 3 results

The COVID-19 pandemic minimally interfered with delivery of care and did not result in worse outcomes of diabetic foot ulcers in Belgium

major amputation or death as first event were assessed by Cox proportional hazards regression. Results:  Although overall offloading rates for plantar DFU did not differ, patients that presented during ...

Complexity and differentiation of the MDMA retail market: insights from the European Web Survey on Drugs

been characterised by the increasing availability of high-strength products, resulting in a number of deaths. Most studies documenting the patterns and trends in use of this stimulant have grouped tablet ...

Spatio-Temporal Monitoring and Modelling of Birch Pollen in Belgium

health pollen SILAM Abstract: Air quality is primordially affected by anthropogenic emissions and has a tremendous impact on human health with more than 6 million premature deaths worldwide in 2015 ...

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