Search results - 7 results

Genomic epidemiology of emerging ESBL-producing Kentucky in Europe.

spread has occurred. Comparative genomics indicated that the gene is present on the bacterial chromosome, within the type VI secretion system region. The gene is integrated downstream of the gene, on ...

RNA-based drug susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

performed directly on crude cell lysate using a combination of the bead-based MagPixTM (Luminex) and QuantigeneTM Plex (Thermo Fischer) technology. Normalized, relative genes expression levels (control vs ...

National surveillance of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Belgian hospitals indicates rapid diversification of epidemic clones

drug effects Electrophoresis,Gel,Pulsed-Field epidemic epidemiology gene Genes,Bacterial genetics Geographic hospital hospitals Humans im IS journal Methicillin Resistance Methicillin-Resistant ...

The Phage-Encoded-Acetyltransferase Rac Mediates Inactivation of Transcription by Cleavage of the RNA Polymerase Alpha Subunit.

phages encode a single-subunit RNA polymerase for transcription of their late (structure- and lysis-associated) genes, whereas the bacterial RNA polymerase is used at the earlier stages of infection. Rac ...

Global phylogenomics of multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica serotype Kentucky ST198.

from five continents. Population structure was inferred using phylogenomic analysis and whole genomes were compared to investigate changes in gene content, with a focus on acquired AMR genes. Our ...

Transcriptional profiling of a laboratory and clinical Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain suggests respiratory poisoning upon exposure to delamanid.

anti-tuberculous drug from the same class. Although delamanid is found to inhibit cell wall synthesis, the expression of genes involved in this process were only mildly affected. In contrast, a clear parallel was ...

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