Search results - 5 results

Development of strain-level shotgun metagenomics approaches to detect and characterize microbiological contaminants in the context of food safety

had only rarely been associated with human cases of an outbreak, let alone during a real outbreak. Therefore, this PhD centered on the development of shotgun metagenomics methods to study ...

Development of a genoserotyping system for the identification of Salmonella serotypes

infect humans, but also animals which are its main reservoir. Humans are mostly infected through the consumption of animal-derived food products. Besides its impact on public health, another major concern ...

Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in food… the good, the bad and the ugly!

herbivores and are believed to be one of the most widely spread natural toxins. They can affect wildlife, livestock and humans via food consumption. Outbreaks in farm animals can cause economic losses to ...

Risk for animal and human health related to the presence of dioxins and dioxin‐like PCBs in feed and food

Publication Type: Non-peer reviewed scientific publication Authors:  on Contaminants in the Food Chain (CONTAM); Helle Katrine Knutsen; Jan Alexander; Lars ård; Margherita Bignami; Beat Brüschweiler; Sandra Ceccatelli; Bruce Cottrill; Michael Dinovi; Edle ...

Study of the possible migration risks of food contact materials for children under 3 years

food packaging) from which it can be released into the food, the major exposure source of BPA to humans. Since BPA has endocrine disrupting properties, its use was prohibited for the production of ...

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