Search results - 52 results

Oncolytic Viruses: An Inventory of Shedding Data from Clinical Trials and Elements for the Environmental Risk Assessment.

assessment of subject safety, quality and efficacy aspects of medicinal products for human use, genetically modified viruses are also governed by EU regulatory frameworks requiring an environmental risk ...

Cardiotoxicity of chemicals: Current regulatory guidelines, knowledge gaps, and needs.

environmental exposure Hazardous Substances Humans Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Service:  Évaluation des risques et de l'impact sur la santé Risico- en ...

Novel prediction models for genotoxicity based on biomarker genes in human HepaRG™ cells.

Issue 2 (2023) Keywords: Algorithms Animals Biomarkers DNA Damage Gene Expression Profiling Humans Supervised Machine Learning Abstract: Transcriptomics-based biomarkers are promising new approach ...

Cardiotoxicity of chemicals: Current regulatory guidelines, knowledge gaps, and needs.

Cardiotoxicity environmental exposure Hazardous Substances Humans Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Manuscript versions:  DOI:  ...

Belgian Mosquitoes Are Competent for Japanese Encephalitis Virus and Readily Feed on Pigs, Suggesting a High Vectorial Capacity.

Abstract:, a day-active mosquito known to feed aggressively on humans, was reported as a nuisance species near an abandoned pigsty in Belgium. Since Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is an emerging zoonotic ...

Sentinel-2 Satellite and Hysplit Model Show that Local Cereal Harvesting Substantially Contributes to Peak Alternaria Spore Concentrations

Alternaria is a human/animal allergen and plant/animal pathogen. Cereal harvesting emits a large amount of Alternaria spores into the atmosphere. However, estimating the peak spore periods and source areas ...

In Silico Methods for Chromosome Damage.

Keywords: Chromosome Aberrations Chromosomes DNA Damage Humans Mutagenicity Tests Mutagens Mutation Abstract: Due to the link with serious adverse health effects, genotoxicity is an important toxicological ...

Validated alternative methods available for human Health and Safety assessment of cosmetic products and their ingredients in the European Union

Publication Type: Scientific book or chapter Authors: Rogiers, Vera; Anouck Thienpont; Mona Delagrange; Birgit Mertens; Vanhaecke, Tamara Source: Validated alternative methods available for human ...

Development, Validation and Application of a Targeted LC-MS Method for Quantification of Microcystins and Nodularin: Towards a Better Characterization of Drinking Water

pollutants are some of the causes of the problem. Moreover, due to the increasing human population, water demand is also increasing, while water reserves in aquifers, groundwater and fossil water are ...

Importance of anti-SARS-CoV-2 assay antigenic composition as revealed by the results of the Belgian external quality assessment (EQA) scheme.

2 (2022) Keywords: Adult Antibodies, Viral Antigens, Viral Belgium Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Proteins COVID-19 COVID-19 Serological Testing Diagnostic Tests, Routine Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Humans ...

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