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Initiatief voor Kwaliteitsbevordering en Epidemiologie bij Multidisciplinaire Diabetes Voetklinieken (IKED-Voet). Resultaten van de 7de gegevensverzameling (auditjaren 2020-2021)

orthopedische schoenen, of had dit in de afgelopen 2 jaar ontvangen. Diabetische voet is een chronisch probleem waarbij acute opstoten onder de vorm van nieuwe DVU of (re-) activatie van Charcotvoet optreden. Het ...

Validation of the Flemish-Dutch diabetic foot ulcer scale short form (DFS-SF) questionnaire for diabetic foot ulcers

Diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) negatively affect the quality of life (QoL) of people with diabetes. The DFU Scale Short Form (DFS- SF) is a validated disease-specific patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) for ...

Validation of the Flemish-Dutch Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS) questionnaire for diabetic foot ulcers

affect the quality of life (QoL) of people with diabetes. The Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS) is a patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) for measuring physical functioning in patients with lower ...

The COVID-19 pandemic strongly reduced the presentation rate of diabetic foot ulcers in Belgium, but the impact on severity was limited to slightly larger lesions

The impact on DFU severity was limited to slightly larger lesions. Follow-up is ongoing and outcome data will be available by September. Health Topics:  Quality of healthcare Qualité des soins de santé ...

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