Search results - 384 results

Application of the Nagoya Protocol to veterinary pathogens: concerns for the control of foot-and-mouth disease.

awareness of the Nagoya Protocol, and to highlight its impacts on the regular exchange and utilisation of biological materials collected from clinical cases which underpin FMD research activities, and work to ...

Lumpy Skin Disease Virus Genome Sequence Analysis: Putative Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology, Single Gene versus Whole Genome Phylogeny and Genomic Evolution.

Animals Cattle Disease Outbreaks Evolution, Molecular Genomics Humans Lumpy skin disease Lumpy skin disease virus Phylogeny Abstract: is a poxvirus from the genus that mainly affects bovines and it causes ...

Regulatory expectations on the use of vaccine reference standards for maintaining product quality.

should meet all requirements regarding safety and efficacy before its release to the market. The use of (international) reference standards or reference preparations plays a key role in assay validation ...

Risk Factors Associated with Severe RSV Infection in Infants: What Is the Role of Viral Co-Infections?

currently it is unclear why certain children develop severe disease while others do not. In this study, we found that children with a single RSV infection had a higher disease severity compared to patients ...

Impact of environmental nitrogen pollution on pollen allergy: A scoping review

a potential driver of this increasing prevalence. While the ecological impact of excessive nitrogen pollution has been widely studied and is relatively well understood, its indirect effect on human allergies is ...

Classification of post COVID-19 condition symptoms: a longitudinal study in the Belgian population

Devleesschauwer; Karin De Ridder; Rana Charafeddine; Pierre Smith Source: BMJ Open, Volume 13, Issue 10 (2023) Abstract: Objectives Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, most research has focused on its acute ...

What does it take to create a European Health Data Space? International commitments and national realities

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Tugce Schmitt; Shona Cosgrove; Vanja Pajić; Kimon Papadopoulos; Felix Gille Source: Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes, Volume 179 (2023) Keywords: Cross-border healthcare Electronic Health Records ...

What do we request for production and quality control of CHIM strains.Should it be GMP or is adherence to GMP acceptable?

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Wim Van Molle Source: Ethical Approval for CHIM Clinical Trial Protocols, IABS, Brussels, Belgium (2023) Service:  Qualité des vaccins et produits sanguins Kwaliteit van vaccins en b ...


After weighing the pros and cons of the alternative methods, the mid- IR device had all over the best results and could be far more attractive for on-site use in its already existing portable format. The ...

Belgian Mosquitoes Are Competent for Japanese Encephalitis Virus and Readily Feed on Pigs, Suggesting a High Vectorial Capacity.

flavivirus which uses pigs as amplification hosts, we investigated (1) whether would feed on pigs and (2) its vector competence for JEV, to investigate whether this species could be a potential vector. Three- ...

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