Search results - 41 results

Educational inequalities in leisure-time physical activity in 15 European countries.

(PRR s). The PRR measured the risk of showing a low level of LTPA for a given educational level, relative to the highest educational group. RESULTS: Within Europe, large cross-national differences in the ...

Premature mortality in Belgium in 1993-2009: leading causes, regional disparities and 15 years change

observed in Wallonia and Brussels as compared to Flanders. Also in cause specific mortality, Wallonia experiences a clear disadvantage compared to Flanders. Brussels shows an intermediate level for natural ...

Using multiple measures to assess changes in social inequalities for breast cancer screening

socio-economic position was defined by the educational level. Inequalities were measured both with pairwise measures comparing extreme educational groups (prevalence difference and prevalence ratio), and with ...

Methodological basics and evolution of the Belgian health interview survey 1997-2008.

non-proportional stratification at the regional level, necessitates the use of weights. The BHIS is progressively embedded in the European Health Survey, a process that doesn’t jeopardise the comparability of the ...

4-Methyl-amphetamine: a health threat for recreational amphetamine users.

observed blood amphetamine levels were too low to be fatal. Contrary to amphetamine, which displays noradrenergic and dopaminergic activity, 4- MA also shows serotonergic activity, which may contribute to ...

Obstacles in measles elimination: an in-depth description of a measles outbreak in Ghent, Belgium, spring 2011.

search for an index patient we determined the measles IgG level of infants from the day care center. RESULTS: A total of 65 cases were reported of which 31 were laboratory confirmed. Twenty-five were ...

A multifaceted study of Pseudomonas aeruginosa shutdown by virulent podovirus LUZ19

level, there is a sharp increase in viral mRNAs from 23 to 60% of all transcripts after 5 and 15 min of infection, respectively. Although microarray analysis revealed a complex pattern of bacterial up- and ...

Gender differences in healthy life years within the EU: an exploration of the "health-survival" paradox.

disability. The relationship between women’s mortality advantage or disability disadvantage and the level of population health between countries was analysed using random-effects meta-regression. RESULTS: ...

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) pilot point prevalence survey of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use.

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control was piloted across Europe. Variables were collected at national, hospital and patient level in 66 hospitals from 23 countries. A patient-based and ...

Does the association between smoking and mortality differ by educational level?

socioeconomic status is important to an improved understanding of the role of smoking in the social gradient in mortality and morbidity. For this purpose, we examined whether educational level modifies the ...

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