Search results - 17 results

Methodological choices in brucellosis burden of disease assessments: A systematic review

Torgerson; David M Pigott; Brecht Devleesschauwer Source: PLoS Negl Trop Dis, Volume 16, Issue 12 (2022) Keywords: Brucellosis burden of disease Disability-Adjusted Life Years Global Health Abstract: ...

Case Report: Multidrug Resistant Raoultella ornithinolytica in a Septicemic Calf

Filip; Pardon, Bart Source: Front Vet Sci, Volume 8 (2021) Abstract: Sepsis is a frequent life-threatening condition in young calves, requiring rapid broad spectrum and bactericidal therapy to maximize ...

Welfare-Adjusted Life Years (WALY): A novel metric of animal welfare that combines the impacts of impaired welfare and abbreviated lifespan.

the Disability-Adjusted Life Year approach used in human health audits, we propose WALY as the sum of a) the years lived with impaired welfare due to a particular cause and b) the years of life lost due ...

Healthy all life long- brochure on Sciensano's activities

Effectiveness and safety of vaccines, medicines and health products- Quality of medical laboratories Food consumption and food safety Health and disease monitoring Health and environment Quality of healthcare ...

Towards the development of innovative multi-mycotoxin reference materials as promising metrological tool for emerging and regulated mycotoxin analyses.

the T-2 decreases, a shelf life of 6 years was derived from isochronous study when the material is kept at-20 °C. At room temperature (e.g., +24 °C) or higher, this time validity drastically decreases ...

ARIA 2016: Care pathways implementing emerging technologies for predictive medicine in rhinitis and asthma across the life cycle.

commenced during a World Health Organization workshop in 1999. The initial goals were (1) to propose a new allergic rhinitis classification, (2) to promote the concept of multi-morbidity in asthma and ...

Protozoan Cysts Act as a Survival Niche and Protective Shelter for Foodborne Pathogenic Bacteria.

Viability Abstract: The production of cysts, an integral part of the life cycle of many free-living protozoa, allows these organisms to survive adverse environmental conditions. Given the prevalence of ...

A model for the transfer of passive immunity against Newcastle disease and avian influenza in specific pathogen free chickens.

in early life, when the immune system is immature and unable to fight off infection. On the other hand, MDA can also affect the development of the immune system and interfere with vaccination against ...

Infectious Bursal Disease: a complex host-pathogen interaction.

Keywords: Animals Antibodies, Viral B-Lymphocytes Birnaviridae Infections Bursa of Fabricius Chickens Cytokines Host-Pathogen Interactions Immunity, Innate Immunocompromised Host Infectious bursal disease ...

Proteomic characterization of bovine herpesvirus 4 extracellular virions.

virus infection. This study extends our knowledge of gammaherpesvirus virions composition and provides new insights for understanding the life cycle of these viruses. Health Topics:  Animal health Santé ...

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