Search results - 8 results

Infectious Bursal Disease: a complex host-pathogen interaction.

Keywords: Animals Antibodies, Viral B-Lymphocytes Birnaviridae Infections Bursa of Fabricius Chickens Cytokines Host-Pathogen Interactions Immunity, Innate Immunocompromised Host Infectious bursal disease ...

Proteomic characterization of bovine herpesvirus 4 extracellular virions.

virus infection. This study extends our knowledge of gammaherpesvirus virions composition and provides new insights for understanding the life cycle of these viruses. Health Topics:  Animal health Santé ...

Potential impact of fertilization practices on human dietary intake of dioxins in Belgium.

livestock (from 6 to ~300%). Considering an average half-life of dioxins in soils of 13 years, it appears that the risks of accumulation in soils and in the food chain are negligible for the various ...

Epidemiological study of bovine norovirus infection by RT-PCR and a VLP-based antibody ELISA.

93.2% (CI 95%: [90.4; 95.3%]) was found from calves and adult cattle. Antibody levels against genotype 2 bovine noroviruses rose in the first 6 months of life and were maintained in adults. Together the ...

The microtubule-associated protein doublecortin is broadly expressed in the telencephalon of adult canaries.

Neurons Neuropeptides Telencephalon Abstract: The protein doublecortin (DCX) is expressed in post-mitotic migrating and differentiating neurons in the developing vertebrate brain and, as a part of the ...

Avian cytokines- the natural approach to therapeutics.

countless lives and has increased life expectancy over the past few decades, there are concerns arising from their usage in livestock. The use of antibiotic feed additives in food production animals has been ...

Favourable outcome in a patient bitten by a rabid bat infected with the European bat lyssavirus-1.

2010, a Belgian photographer was bitten upon provocation of a disoriented Eptesicus serotinus bat in Spain. The bat was infected with European bat lyssavirus-1 (genotype 5). The isolate proved highly ...

Serological and biochemical follow-up in cattle naturally infected with Fasciola hepatica, and comparison with a climate model for predicting risks of fasciolosis.

bioclimatic constraint on the transmission of life cycle, and risk of infection occurred mainly in late spring (May/June) and in early September. Current results might be used to issue advice on the need for ...

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