Search results - 34 results

Belgian general practitioners’ perception and use of physical activity on prescription

PAP as a prevention intervention. In Belgium, overall 94,1% of citizens have a referring General Practitioner (GP) or are affiliated with a general practice. There is no national policy on PAP, only ...

Occurrence of microcystin congeners in surface waters and food in Belgium as a source of exposure to humans

risk management through concrete policy measures. This doctoral dissertation discusses the development and validation of fit-for-purpose analytical methodologies to quantify the most prevalent cyanotoxin ...

Homologous versus heterologous prime-boost COVID-19 vaccination: impact on clinical severity of Omicron among hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Belgium

among hospitalized COVID-19 patients offered by the contrasted prime-boost vaccination schemes. These results can inform vaccine policy, and contribute to knowledge used for the development of strategies ...

Signals from the future: Exploring implications for drug policies

literacy in the drug policy domain contributes to enhanced preparedness and will support more proactive drug policy responses. As part of the DRUG- PREP project, this workshop aims to introduce the ...

The European Health Data Space 2: is Europe ready to maximise the re-use of health data?

care of patients but also facilitating research, epidemiology, disease prevention and data-based policy decisions. This workshop aims to provide an overview of the preparedness of MS to join the EHDS for ...

Resilient health systems: harnessing health information to improve population health

policy decisions. Ad-hoc surveillance and monitoring systems were set up (under emergency legislation) and clear governance of health information was lacking. In addition, sharing data and information ...

Preparedness & response for emergency situations: joined forces of H2020 projects in the PREPARE cluster

to (public) health professionals and policy makers, Finally, as many of these projects end in 2022/2023, the next steps or threats, that should have the highest priority for future Horizon Europe ...

ESCAIDE 2022: Translating the COVID-19 epidemiological situation into policies and measures: the Belgian experience

range of topics. Among those, a weekly assessment of the epidemiological situation was performed to guide policy makers. We present here the method used for this assessment, and the link with ...

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