Search results - 466 results

Measuring mental health burden in humanitarian settings: a critical review of assessment tools

conducted for scientific studies using the selected tools in humanitarian settings to collect the data for analysis. The benefits and limitations described for each tool were compiled into a complete table. ...

Population Analysis of O26 Shiga Toxin-Producing Causing Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome in Italy, 1989-2020, Through Whole Genome Sequencing.

either the core or the accessory genomic fraction in populations of ST29 O26 STEC, differently from what observed in ST21 strains, suggesting that a different selective pressure could drive the evolution ...

Severity of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.7 lineage among hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Belgium.

analyses were performed to assess the influence of selection bias, vaccination rollout, and unmeasured confounding. RESULTS: We observed no difference between the exposed and unexposed group in severe ...

Knowledge, attitude, and practices of the community and meat industry workers towards Taenia saginata taeniosis and bovine cysticercosis in and around Jimma and Ambo towns of Ethiopia

KAP of the community and meat industry workers about T. saginata taeniosis/cysticercosis in Jimma and Ambo towns of Ethiopia. A cross-sectional KAP survey was performed on 293 community members selected ...

Availability of healthy and unhealthy foods in modern retail outlets located in selected districts of Greater Accra Region, Ghana.

outlets within the selected districts. Toward a healthier food retail environment, public health and food regulators, in partnership with other stakeholders need to institute measures that improve ...

Organizing the health interview survey at the local level: design of a pilot study.

target sample size was 1000 (≥ 15 years). A systematic sampling technique was applied with substitutes for non-respondents who were matched in terms of statistical sector, age and sex. Selected persons ...

Post COVID-19 condition and its physical, mental and social implications: protocol of a 2-year longitudinal cohort study in the Belgian adult population.

during the acute phase of the illness, and a follow-up questionnaire that is sent every three months after participants enter into the cohort. A matched non- COVID-19 control group was also selected. As of ...

Development and validation of a microfluidic multiplex immunoassay for the determination of levels and avidity of serum antibodies to tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis antigens.

concentrations and binding kinetics (as a surrogate for avidity) of the IgG antibodies to the selected protein antigens. Overall, these findings show that this new Evalution pentaplex can accurately measure the ...

Synthetic Cannabinoids and Cannabis: How the Patterns of Use Differ: Results from the European Web Survey on Drugs

survey from 10 different European countries including individuals aged 18 and over (n = 37,109). Participation was anonymous, self-selecting, and voluntary. Cannabinoid exposure was taken as the dependent ...

Development, validation and application of multi-class methods for the analysis of food additives by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry

sweeteners, preservatives, and antioxidants in various foods (e.g. beverages, dairies, processed meals). The methods were also validated in terms of selectivity, linearity, matrix effect, limit of ...

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