Search results - 21 results

A One-Health approach to monitoring antimicrobial consumption in Belgium 2012-2021

[1] “Guidance on Selected Default Values to Be Used by the EFSA Scientific Committee, Scientific Panels and Units in the Absence of Actual Measured Data | EFSA.” [1] “ BELVETSAC.” Health Topics:  ...

Time series modelling for wastewater-based epidemiology of COVID-19: A nationwide study in 40 wastewater treatment plants of Belgium, February 2021 to June 2022

Secondly, adjusted WBE metrics at different lag times were used to predict incident COVID-19 cases. Model selection was based on AIC c minimization. Results: In 3¾0 WWTP s, RNA levels were best explained by ...

Data collection in pandemic times: the case of the Belgian COVID-19 health surveys

representativeness due to self-selection but were an important information source as there were few alternatives. Moreover, by following-up the same individuals over time it was possible to study the effect of the ...

Interim 2022/23 influenza vaccine effectiveness: six European studies, October 2022 to January 2023.

settings.MethodsAll studies used the test-negative design, but with differences in other study characteristics, such as data sources, patient selection, case definitions and included age groups. Overall and influenza ...

Targeted Chromosomal Barcoding Establishes Direct Genotype-Phenotype Associations for Antibiotic Resistance in Mycobacterium abscessus.

isolate. The allelic exchange substrates used in recombineering carried either the sole D29A mutation or a genetic barcode of silent mutations in codons flanking the D29A mutation. After selection of ...

Pulmonary Aspergillosis in Humboldt Penguins—Susceptibility Patterns andMolecular Epidemiology of Clinical and Environmental Aspergillus fumigatus Isolates from a Belgian Zoo

2021–2022. From these samples, potential azole-resistant A. fumigatus (ARAF) isolates were detected using a selective culture medium. A total of 28 veterinary isolates obtained after necropsy of Humboldt ...

COVID-19 pandemic response in the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion: methods, participation and recommendations of a longitudinal cross-border study

the Netherlands. In the spring of 2021, a random sample of 26,925 adult citizens selected from governmental registries was invited to collect a blood sample at home for SARS-CoV-2 antibody testing and ...

Time trends in the use of field-substitution in the Belgian health interview survey

the cluster is evidently much higher in households at the first position of initial selected clusters. Over the survey-years, the share of participating household derived from substitute clusters in the ...

Preparedness & response for emergency situations: joined forces of H2020 projects in the PREPARE cluster

impact. Through mutual support, the cluster strengthens the response to the ongoing crisis and the aim to be better prepared for future health crises. In a round table discussion, a selection of these H2020 ...

Organizing the health interview survey at the local level: design of a pilot study.

target sample size was 1000 (≥ 15 years). A systematic sampling technique was applied with substitutes for non-respondents who were matched in terms of statistical sector, age and sex. Selected persons ...

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