Search results - 6 results

Epidemiology of COVID-19 mortality in Belgium from wave 1 to wave 7 (March 2020 – 11 September 2022)

week 15 2020). Age and sex 91.8% of the COVID-19 deaths were 65 years and older. The median age of COVID-19 deaths was 84 years old and the average age was 81.6 years old. In all age groups up to 80-84 ...

Epidémiologie de la mortalité COVID-19 en Belgique de la vague 1 à la vague 7 (mars 2020- 11 septembre 2022)

hebdomadaires dus à la           COVID-19 a été observé au cours de la vague 1 (1 985 décès au cours de la semaine 15, 2020). Age et sexe 91,8 % des personnes décédées à cause de la COVID-19 avaient 65 ans ...

Surveillance van COVID-19 gerelateerde mortaliteit in België, epidemiologie en methodologie tijdens 1e en 2e golf (maart 2020- 14 februari 2021)

leeftijdsstandaardisatie (age-standardized mortality rate, ASMR), die rekening houden met de leeftijdsverdeling van de bevolking, toonden aan dat Brussel de hoogste ASMR vertoonde voor de totale periode en de eerste golf, ...

Surveillance of COVID-19 mortality in Belgium, epidemiology and methodology during 1st and 2nd wave (March 2020- 14 February 2021)

retrograde adaptations of mortality numbers. The overall sex distribution was fairly even (49.1% in male and 50.8% in female). Almost all deaths occurred in the age group over 64 years and approximately half ...

Excess mortality during the first and second waves of the COVID-19 epidemic in Belgium

deaths. The first wave of the epidemic has a larger excess mortality than the second wave. People aged 85 and over were the most affected during the two periods of excess mortality. The year 2020 has ...

High impact of COVID-19 in long-term care facilities, suggestion for monitoring in the EU/EEA, May 2020.

Sin; Tim Eckmanns; José-Artur Paiva; Elke Schneider Source: Euro Surveill, Volume 25, Issue 22 (2020) Keywords: Aged Aged, 80 and over Betacoronavirus Coronavirus Coronavirus Infections COVID-19 Disease ...

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