Search results - 730 results

Preparedness & response for emergency situations: joined forces of H2020 projects in the PREPARE cluster

climate change, terrorism, international trade disputes and global health threats. These emergency situations require large-scale planning for preparedness and response in order for countries to be able to ...

Whole-Genome Sequence Approach and Phylogenomic Stratification Improve the Association Analysis of Mutations With Patient Data in Influenza Surveillance.

analyzing stratified groups, relates to the number of samples, especially in the context of national surveillance of small countries. Therefore, we investigated if international databases like GISAID may help ...

ESCAIDE 2022: Translating the COVID-19 epidemiological situation into policies and measures: the Belgian experience

Keywords: COVID-19; risk assessment Abstract: Background In 2008, in line with the WHO International Health Regulation, Belgium put in place a Risk Assessment Group (RAG) and a Risk Management Group (RMG) to ...

How can National Government Policies Improve Food Environments in the Netherlands?

implementation on these indicators against international best practices, and formulated and prioritized policy and infrastructure support actions to improve food environments. Most policy indicators were rated as ...

Providing Measurement, Evaluation, Accountability, and Leadership Support (MEALS) for Non-communicable Diseases Prevention in Ghana: Project Protocol

healthy food marketing, retail, and provisioning environments for Ghanaian children using adapted methods from the International Network for Food and Obesity/ NCD s Research Monitoring and Action Support ...

The Healthy Food Environment Policy Index in Poland: Implementation Gaps and Actions for Improvement.

used the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food- EPI). An experts’ panel rated Polish policies and infrastructure compared to international best practices and developed a list of recommended ...

The InfAct proposal for a sustainable European health information infrastructure on population health: the Distributed Infrastructure on Population Health (DIPoH).

Member States (MS s), (ii) the availability of resources at regional, national and European level to deal with innovations, and (iii) a more direct involvement from EU and international institutions such ...

Clinical and analytical evaluation of the Alinity m HR HPV assay within the VALGENT-3 framework

agreement, with kappa values ranging between 0.82 and 1.00. In conclusion, Alinity m fulfils the international accuracy requirements for use in cervical cancer screening and shows excellent HPV ...

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