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Search results - 106 results

Health effects of extremely low-frequency magnetic fields: reconsidering the melatonin hypothesis in the light of current data on magnetoreception

with residential exposure to ELF MF. Contrary to the original hypothesis, however, we do not consider decreased MLT levels, but disruption of circadian rhythmicity per se as the effector mechanism ...

Motif switches: decision-making in cell regulation.

reliable and robust control of eukaryotic cell physiology. Many of the mechanisms directing cell regulation rely on proteins detecting the state of the cell through context-dependent, tuneable interactions. ...

Mechanisms of skin adherence and invasion by dermatophytes33853

histology Human Humans INFECTION Institute IS journal Kinetics Laboratories mechanism mechanisms Medicine Microsporum MODEL models Morphology Mycology Nails ON parasitology pathogenic pathology Peptides ...

Occurrence of putative virulence genes in arcobacter species isolated from humans and animals.

factors is required. However, up to now, little has been known about the mechanisms of pathogenicity. Because of their close phylogenetic affiliation to the food-borne pathogen Campylobacter and their ...

Can cytogenetics explain the possible association between exposure to extreme low-frequency magnetic fields and Alzheimer's disease?

extreme low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF- EMF s) may be a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease. This is not proven yet and there are no known biological mechanisms to explain this alleged ...

The presence of bluetongue virus serotype 8 RNA in Belgian cattle since 2008.

Western Europe. Little is known about the mechanisms allowing the virus to survive winter conditions. A yearly mass vaccination of cattle and sheep started in spring 2008, which was recognized as successful ...

Buruli ulcer

Bacterial Vaccines Belgium Brussels Buruli Ulcer disabilities DISABILITY disease Dna electronic Field genetics Genome Genome,Bacterial Humans im immune response immunology IS IT journal M Macrolides mechanism ...

Brucellosis at the animal/ecosystem/human interface at the beginning of the 21st century.

journey, are still largely unknown. Metabolism and virulence of Brucella are now considered to be two sides of the same coin. Mechanisms presiding to the colonization of the pregnant uterus in different ...

Antibody evasion by a gammaherpesvirus O-glycan shield.

homologs suggests that this is a general evasion mechanism that may also provide a therapeutic target. Health Topics:  Animal health Category:  A1 FOS Classification:  4.03 Veterinary science ...

The expression and role of CXC chemokines in colorectal cancer

leukocytes to inflammatory sites. Nowadays, it is clear that CXC chemokines and their receptors (CXCR) may also modulate tumor behavior by several important mechanisms: regulation of angiogenesis, activation ...

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