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Search results - 4 results

Urinary nicotine metabolites: usefulness as biomarkers of smoking status

metabolism, with higher ratios indicating faster metabolism. Evidence shows that the ratio, in urine, saliva or plasma, could predict responses to smoking cessation medication and guide pharmacotherapy. Since ...

Mutagenicity, antimutagenicity and cytotoxicity evaluation of South African Podocarpus species

METHODS: The mutagenicity and cytotoxic effects of extracts from four species of Podocarpus were tested using the Salmonella/microsome assay with and without metabolic activation, based on the ...

In utero exposure to parabens and early childhood BMI z-scores- Associations between placental ethyl paraben, longitudinal BMI trajectories and cord blood metabolic biomarkers.

placental paraben levels and cord blood metabolic biomarkers, considering modulating effects of maternal pre-pregnancy BMI and underlying epigenetic mechanisms, and investigated longitudinal effects of in ...

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