Search results - 423 results

Evaluation of three MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry libraries for the identification of filamentous fungi in three clinical microbiology laboratories in Manitoba, Canada.

Identification (MSI) online library, and compared those results to conventional (morphological) and molecular (18S/ ITS; gold standard) identification methods. All 3 libraries demonstrated greater accuracy in ...

Prediction of Susceptibility to First-Line Tuberculosis Drugs by DNA Sequencing

susceptibility to first-line antituberculosis drugs has not been clear. METHODS: We obtained whole-genome sequences and associated phenotypes of resistance or susceptibility to the first-line antituberculosis ...

Eight years after an international workshop on myotonic dystrophy patient registries: case study of a global collaboration for a rare disease.

agreed in 2009. These registries represent over 10,000 myotonic dystrophy patients worldwide (Europe, North America, Asia and Oceania). RESULTS: The registries use a variety of data collection methods ...

Application of whole genome data for in silico evaluation of primers and probes routinely employed for the detection of viral species by RT-qPCR using dengue virus as a case study.

targeted nucleic acid regions. Whole genome sequencing allows to characterize and track such changes, which in turn enables to evaluate, optimize, and (re-)design novel and existing RT-qPCR methods. The ...

Relationship between mold exposure, specific IgE sensitization, and clinical asthma: A case-control study.

indoor mold contamination among mold-sensitized patients with asthma and nonsensitized patients with asthma. METHODS: A case-control study was conducted and several asthma severity markers were compared ...

Multivalent binding of herpesvirus to living cells is tightly regulated during infection.

introduce a new method to force-probe multivalent attachment directly on living cells, and we show, for the first time, direct evidence of a new mechanism by which a herpesvirus surface glycoprotein acts as ...

Neonatal factors predictive for respiratory and gastro-intestinal morbidity after esophageal atresia repair.

objective of this study is to identify possible neonatal predictive factors contributing to a long-term complicated clinical course in patients after repair of esophageal atresia. METHODS: A total of 93 ...

Risk factors and impact of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in Pseudomonas aeruginosa-negative CF patients.

aeruginosa (Pa), were explored. METHODS: We performed a retrospective case-control study in 73 Pa-negative patients. Each patient was matched with 2 controls for age, gender, pancreas sufficiency, DeltaF508 ...

The potential use of rifabutin for treatment of patients diagnosed with rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis.

patients determined by Xpert can be treated with a rifabutin-containing regimen. Methods: Rifabutin susceptibility by rpoB mutation was assessed in 349 individuals from South Africa and 172 from Belgium. ...

Preparing cDNA Libraries from Lytic Phage-Infected Cells for Whole Transcriptome Analysis by RNA-Seq.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Blasdel, Bob; Pieter-Jan Ceyssens; Lavigne, Rob Source: Methods Mol Biol, Volume 1681, Issue 1681, Number 1941 (2018) Keywords: ...

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