Search results - 5 results

Fluoroquinolone resistance in Escherichia coli isolates after exposure to non-fluoroquinolone antibiotics: a retrospective case–control study

multiple testing there were lower odds of fluoroquinolone resistance in E. coli isolates after exposure to cefazolin (OR  = 0.65; 95% CI  = 0.52–0.81; P = 0.00014) and higher odds after exposure to ...

Genomic epidemiology of emerging ESBL-producing Kentucky in Europe.

travel history. Next to multiple introductions of the clone to Europe from Egypt, our analysis suggests that in some parts of Europe the clone might have formed a stable population, from which further ...

RNA-based drug susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

phenotypic Drug Susceptibility Testing (DST) of M. tuberculosis (Mtb), multiple DNA-based methods were successfully introduced over the last years. Although these are fast and sensitive, they (a) are based on ...

Global spread of New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase 1.

p.831-2 (2010) Keywords: Anti-Bacterial Agents Belgium beta-Lactam Resistance beta-Lactamases Carbapenems Drug Resistance, Multiple, Bacterial Enterobacteriaceae Enterobacteriaceae Infections Humans Male ...

Global phylogenomics of multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica serotype Kentucky ST198.

serotype Kentucky can be a common causative agent of salmonellosis, usually associated with consumption of contaminated poultry. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) to multiple drugs, including ciprofloxacin, is ...

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