Search results - 14 results

BSFM 2023- L. monocytogenes in Plant-Based Foods: insights from of a recent foodborne outbreak linked to vegan alternative to cheese

France and The Netherlands (EpiPulse 2022- FWD-00102). In conclusion, this report underscores the occurrence of L. monocytogenes in plant-based foods. It emphasizes the need for further investigation into ...

Introduction of WGS in food microbiology: advantages and challenges

occasions in the last couple of years. Therefore, the implementation of WGS in the Belgian context needs some serious reflection. In the future, WGS will largely replace the various older typing methods in ...

Collaborative data collection by TREAT-NMD Registries to support post-marketing surveillance in Spinal Muscular Atrophy

clinical trial readiness and recruitment. In the current SMA landscape there is a need for more widespread longitudinal data collection to support future research and post marketing surveillance (PMS) ...

Adjuvants for vaccines, A need for quality time?

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Wim Van Molle Source: COST regulatory workshop on adjuvants (2019) Health Topics:  Effectiveness and safety of vaccines, medicines and health products- Quality of medical laboratorie ...

MALDI-TOF for the identification of Mycobacteria and their drug resistance profiles

method is more challenging due to the special need for inactivation and protein extraction. Although several studies have been published, there is no clear consensus on the processing of Mycobacteria for ...

Alleviating ecological bias in linking radon exposure to health outcomes.

measurement method methodology methods MODEL models need outcome outcomes radon RANGE RATES regression relative Relative risk risk SKIN study use VARIABILITY Vector Abstract: Background Health Topics:  Health ...

Analysis of chlormequat residue in milk by UPLC-MS/MS

Milk is a very complex matrix composed of different proteins and fat. Therefore, intensive clean-up is needed before injection to prevent interference or clogging during LC analysis. For the extraction, ...

Towards a central registry for rare disease patients in Belgium

implementation improve incidence Indicator Indicators IS IT LEVEL measure measures methodology Monitoring need needs Nomenclature ON orphan Orphanet Patient Patient Care patients Planning prevalence public Quality ...

Initiative for quality improvement and epidemiology among children and adolescents with diabetes (IQECAD)

variation in HbA1c remained unexplained. Outcomes were associated with family structure, highlighting the continuing need for strategies to cope with this emerging challenge. Health Topics:  Quality of ...

People's beliefs about reasons for taking anxiolytics, hypnotics and sedatives

MUSCULOSKELETAL n need needs old older ON pain People POPULATION proxies Proxy PSYCHOLOGICAL psychotropic drugs regression report result results sedatives Side effects Side-effects stress survey Tension use WHO ...

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