Search results - 57 results

Diphtheria in Belgium: 2010-2017.

Resistance, Bacterial Female Humans Male middle aged Abstract: In Western Europe, the incidence of both respiratory and cutaneous diphtheria, caused by toxin-producing, or, has been low over the past few ...

In vitro activity of bedaquiline against slow-growing nontuberculous mycobacteria.

J Med Microbiol (2019) Keywords: Bedaquiline Mycobacteria nontuberculous Abstract: Bedaquiline (BDQ) is a recently approved antibiotic for the treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, but its ...

Antimicrobial use in European acute care hospitals: results from the second point prevalence survey (PPS) of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use, 2016 to 2017

emergence of multidrug-resistant microorganisms. In 2016-17, we performed the second point-prevalence survey (PPS) of healthcare-associated infections (HAI s) and antimicrobial use in European acute care ...

Point Prevalence Study of Healthcare-Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Use in Belgian Acute-Care Hospitals: Results of the ECDC PPS 2017

Résistance aux antimicrobiens (AMR) Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Antibiotiques Antibiotics Antibiorésistance Manuscript versions:  ...

Prediction of Susceptibility to First-Line Tuberculosis Drugs by DNA Sequencing

susceptibility to first-line antituberculosis drugs has not been clear. METHODS: We obtained whole-genome sequences and associated phenotypes of resistance or susceptibility to the first-line antituberculosis ...

Clonal Spread of Candida glabrata Bloodstream Isolates and Fluconazole Resistance Affected by Prolonged Exposure: a 12-Year Single-Center Study in Belgium.

8 (2018) Keywords: antifungal resistance Candida glabrata Gene Expression genotypic identification Abstract: is a major cause of candidemia in immunocompromised patients and is characterized by a high-level ...

Allergic Asthma Favors Growth in the Lungs of Infected Mice.

sensitized mice. Our work demonstrates that the impact of the same allergic sensitization protocol can be neutral, negative, or positive with regard to the resistance of mice to bacterial infection, depending ...

STAT6 Mediates Footpad Immunopathology in the Absence of IL-12p40 Following Infection of Susceptible BALB/c Mice With.

choice to identify the factors implicated in T helper (Th)1 and Th2 polarization due to the natural resistance and susceptibility to infection of C57BL /6 and BALB /c mice, respectively. In this study, we ...

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